- fouling resistance rating 耐污等级
- The resistance rate to vancomycin of cocci was 0. 葡萄球菌对万古霉素的耐药率为0。
- Resistance rate of Escherichia to ofloxacin was 85%. 大肠埃希菌对喹诺酮类抗生素耐药率在85%25以上。
- Furthermore,the results of dynamic experiment indicate that,the fouling resistance decrease extraordinarily with treatment of high-voltage electrostatic field, and anti-fouling . 动态实验结果表明,成垢溶液经过高压静电处理以后,污垢热阻明显减小,流速的增大能够增强抗垢能力。
- However, with EAF fouling resistance still enhances at the beginning of experiment and later, it gradually minishes after experiment has started for some time. 实验结果表明:(1)没有经过电磁处理时,污垢热阻随着时间的增加而增加,换热系数随着时间的增加而减小;
- But when experiment lasts longer time, fouling resistance and heat transfer coefficient change in the same trend as the fore results at the beginning of the experiment. 当实验时间延长时,发现污垢热阻及换热系数在实验开始时的变化趋势与前面的实验结果基本相同,但到后来,二者的数值则分别均趋于稳定。
- Here it is: The total surface area as calculated using the fouling resistances in Table 1 shall be at least 10% greater than that calculated using the clean overall transfer rate. 用表1中的污垢热阻计算出的总表面面积比用??总传热速率计算出的总表面面积至少大10%25。
- The resistant rate to ampicillin was 94.31%. 对氨苄西林耐药率最高,达94.;31%25。
- Spell resist rate against bosses is 17%; only 16% of this can be overcome with spell hit [202 spell hit rating]. 首领的法术抵抗率是17%25;玩家通过加命中的手段只能克服其中的16%25(这需要202点命中等级).
- These voltage transformers are casting resin insulated and fully enclosed structure.They are fouling resistance and moisture protection.In the same time,they can be used in the tropic area. 本系列电压互感器为环氧树脂浇注绝缘全封闭结构,耐污秽及潮湿,也适用于热带地区使用。
- The experimental results are as follows:(1) Without EAF the fouling resistance increase along with addition of timeand change of the heat transfer coefficient is just contrary to the result. 3、通过改变磁场频率、实验介质硬度等过程参数从污垢热阻以及换热系数的角度来进行了实验研究和理论分析。
- What about the "double resist rate" when using Traps in conjunction with Feign Death? 问题:当假死后放陷阱的时候,会碰到“双重抵抗率”(指假死和陷阱都有抵抗的可能)的问题,这又怎么说呢?
- Enterococcus facialis had a low resistance rate (<20%) to ampicillin, vancomycin, penicillin, and nitrofurantoin. 粪肠球菌对氨苄西林、万占霉素、青霉索、呋喃妥因耐药率较低(<20%25)。
- The total Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance rate in Changsha City is below the national average level. 长沙市结核分支杆菌总的耐药率低于全国平均水平。
- So the choices on the drugs might be very much depending on the mutation or resistance rate. 所以对于药物的选择会取决于药物本身引起的变异率和耐药率。
- The resistance rate of ICZ and FCZ against clinically isolated strain of C.albicans was very high,while of al... 临床分离株对ICZ和FCZ的耐药率很高,对大蒜素提取物的耐药率较低。大蒜素提取物对白色念珠菌生长有强力抑制作用。
- The other bacteria had high resistance rate to antibiotics except enterobacteriaceae to imipenem. 肠杆菌科细菌除对亚胺培南保持较好的敏感外,其余细菌均已产生了较高的耐药性。
- The multidrug resistance rate of positive-integron isolates is far greater than the negative ones. 整合子阳性菌株对多种抗生素的耐药率远大于整合子阴性菌;
- Results: The resistance rate of GNB to ciprofloxcin rose strongly from 23. 6 % in 1993 to 40. 5 % in 1997. 结果:革兰阴性杆菌对环丙沙星的总体耐药率从1993年度的23。6%25上升至1997年度的40。5%25。其中大肠埃希菌尤为显著,至1997年度,其耐药率已高达67。
- The erythromycin drug resistant rate with erm genes in MRCNS is 81.8%. MRCNS菌获得erm基因的红霉素耐药率为 81.;8%25。