- four pole double throw 四极双掷
- The SL version has one function, either undercurrent or undervoltage, with a PDT (single pole double throw) for signal output. SL版具有单功能,在低电流或低电压的情况下,信号输出具有PDT(单极双摆)。
- A type of series-parallel single pole double throw(SPDT) switch with broadband and high isolation was designed and made up by utilizing several PIN diodes. 采用多个P IN管设计并制作了一种串/并联结构的宽带高隔离度微带单刀双掷(s ing le po le doub le throw;SPDT)开关.
- In the thesis, the main research topic is mechanical switch, including SPST (Single Pole Single Throw), SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) and keyboard switch. 本设计中主要研究的是机械类开关,包括单刀单掷开关和单刀双掷开关及键盘开关。
- Contact arrangement available in choice of single pole double throw (SPDT) or single pole single throw (SPST), either normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC). 联络安排,可在选择单极双掷( SPDT产品技术)或单极单掷(的SPST ) ,无论是通常开放(无)或常闭( NC )进行。
- Four single pole double throw auxiliary micro switches with adjustable cams 电子均衡控制定位器·四个配置可调节凸轮的单刀双掷辅助微开关
- DUAL SWITCH - Single Pole Double Throw 双开关:单刀双掷
- SINGLE SWITCH - Single Pole Double Throw 单开关:单刀双掷
- Two single pole double throw end of travel micro switches with adjustable cams 配置可调节凸轮的单刀双掷行程微开关
- Two single pole double throw travel-stop limit switches with adjustable cams and 2 aux S.P.D.T. - standard 配置可调节凸轮的双刀双掷行程制动限制开关,配置2个辅助单刀双掷开关-标准配置
- The roof was braced with four poles. 屋顶由四根柱子支撑。
- three pole double throw switch 三刀掷开关
- single pole double throw switch 单刀双投开关
- double pole double throw 双刀双掷
- double pole double throw switch 双极双掷开关
- single pole double throw (SPDT) 单刀双掷开关
- Currently, the world shipbuilding industry has been to demonstrate Korea, Japan, China and Europe and other parts of the new four pole structure. 目前,世界船舶工业已呈现出韩国、日本、中国以及欧洲与其他地区的新四极结构。
- The experiences of teaching“Hinged chain four poles structure” better by teaching tool are introduced. 介绍了利用教具等手段,讲好“铰链四杆机构”的教学经验。
- Available microwave switch configurations include a simple single-pole double throw (SPDT) switch, multi-position switch, matrix, and cascade. 可用的微波开关配置包括简单的单刀双掷(SPDT)开关、多位置开关、矩阵和级联开关。
- four pole network measuring unit 四端网络测量器