- He told me to take these pills four times a day. 他告诉我每日服用四次这种药丸。
- Does he need to take the medicine four times a day? 他需要每日服药四次吗?
- I check my E-mails four times a day. 我每天查四次电子邮件。
- You have to check on the emails four times a day. 每天你至少应检查4次电子邮件。
- Drink this mixture four times a day,one measure each time. 这合剂每天服四次,每次一格。
- This is for internal use. Two tablets, four times a day. 这是内服药。一天四次,每次两片。
- Drink this mixture four times a day, one measure each time. 这合剂每天服四次,每次一格。
- Take this medicine four times a day and see if you get any better tomorrow. 现在你要每天吃四次药,看看明天会否好转一点。
- Put your foot in hot and cold water alternately three or four times a day. 每天在热水和冷水中交替泡脚三四次。
- First shake the bottle Take two spoonfuls of the cough syrup four times a day. 首先把药水晃动一下.;每日喝四次这种治咳药水;每次两勺
- In the meantime,take this medicine four times a day and see if you get any better tomorrow. 现在你要每天吃四次药,看看明天会否好转一点。
- Again, he had some close calls where he probably faced death an average of four times a day. 他说:做这种工作,不仅是遇到危险,而是平均每天四次面对死亡。
- Most regional committees meet four times a year. 大部分地区委员会每年开会四次。
- Put your foot in hot and cold water alternately three or four times a day, the pain and swelling should go. 每天在热水和冷水中交替三四次,痛肿就会消失。
- Apply antibiotics and painkillers; meanwhile put some solution into your right ear four times a day. 服用抗生素和止痛药,同时用滴耳液滴右耳,每天4次。
- In the meantime, take this medicine four times a day and see if you get any better tomorrow. 现在你要每天吃四次药,看看明天会否好转一点。
- To treat with Adis 1.0 three times a day and SASP 1.0 four times a day accordingly, period of 6 weeks. 分别给予艾迪莎1.;0g 3次/d口服和SASP 1
- Apply to the affected area up to four times a day or as directed by a dentist or doctor. 适用于受影响的地区提供了高达四倍的一天,或由一名牙医或医生。
- Take the medicine regularly three times a day. 定时吃药,每天三次。
- More is better, scientists say. Placebos taken four times a day deliver greater relief than those taken twice daily. 多多益善科学家称。一天服用四次安慰剂的效果优于一天服用两次。