- five element connection number 五元联系数
- Teacher:What are the four element of nature? 老师:自然界的四大元素是什么?
- Teacher: What are the four element of nature? 老师:自然界的四大元素是什么?
- Comparing Four Elements with Five Elements. 四大元素与五行。
- The great sea fight turned on four elements. 这一场大海战,胜负取决于四个因素。
- Fire, water, earth and air are the four elements. 火、水、土和气是宇宙四大元素。
- The Market Information Analysis,Extension Set,Fault Elimination,DSS and SPM Based on Multiple Elements Connection Numbers 基于多元联系数的市场信息分析、可拓、消错、决策与匹配
- If it is blocked, the connection number on which the connection is blocked due to a locking conflict. 如果阻塞了当前连接,则为由于锁定冲突而阻塞连接的连接号。
- The Httperf tool can control the rate at which requests are issued, the total connection number, and the time-out limit. Httperf工具可以控制发出请求的速度、总连接数和超时限制。
- Where do the four elements come from? The Brahman asked. 四大火风从何而生?
- And wanted to see the first four elements in character format. 并且想看字符格式的前四个元素。
- Cyrus, that idiot, broke the Vampire's Garment into four elements. 塞勒斯这个可恶的家伙,他把吸血鬼披风分成了4个部分。
- Based on connection number we have set up a kind of multi-objective decision making model of connection number, and an example is given to verify its application. 摘要在联系数的基础上,建立了一种基于联系数的多目标决策方法模型,并给出了具体的实例说明该方法的具体应用。
- This "four element" method has also been somewhat distilled into other areas of the production such as in the background vocals, melodies and lyrics. 这种[四元素]的制作方法,或多或少地都被运用在和声、旋律与歌词的制作谱写上。
- This paper presents the research on the multiple element connection method and application in designing FRP structure, using ANSYS FEA software and introduces how to check the reliability of numerical analysis. 本文介绍了利用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS进行复杂结构分析建模时,混合单元间互相连接的方法以及在复合材料结构设计中的应用,并介绍了数值分析可靠性检验。
- Communion with nature requires all four elements to be present. 与自然界通讯需要四大元素都在场。
- Connection number decision matrix can obtain the identity-contrary degree of the set pairs structured by alternative schemes and ideal scheme, and is the core of MADM. 用联系数决策矩阵的概念来刻画备选方案与正、负理想方案组成集对的同一对立程度,并以此为依据实现多属性决策。
- In computers, a logic network in the form of an array of input leads and output leads with logic elements connected at some of their intersections. 在计算机中,由输入线和输出线阵列形成的一种逻辑网络,在它们的某些交叉点上用逻辑元件相连接。
- There are four elements that were believed to make up the universe. 过去人们相信宇宙是由四种元素构成的。
- Earth was believed to be one of the four elements in the universe. 土壤被认为是宇宙四要素之一。