- The page has been blurred with ink in four places. 这页有四个地方有墨渍。
- The page has been blurredwith ink in four places. 这页有四个地方有墨渍。
- If,due to injury or illness,etc,competitors of the top four place of each category are unable to participate,the vacancy will be appointed by the IWUF Technical Committee. 各级别前四名的运动员因伤病等原因,不能参加世界杯赛时,其空缺名额由国际武联技委会指派。
- The four places in the automobile from which pollutants can escape are the fuel tank, carburetor, crankcase and tail pipe. 汽车内泄漏污染物的四个位置是燃油箱、化油箱、曲轴箱和尾管。
- Women's teams from Guangdong carried off the first four places at the national championships. 在全国锦标赛中,广东女队夺得了前四名。
- Ferry Porsche looks on as the Type 908/02 claims the first four places overall in the Targa Florio. 费利-保时捷观看塔格-佛罗热公路赛,908/02型首次在总排名中占据前四席。
- It is said that during the battle, drops of amrita fell on to four places: Allahabad, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik. 据说在战斗中仙露撒落到了四个地方:阿拉哈巴德、哈里瓦、乌疆和纳锡。
- No matter how the reckoning goes, TIME's investigation reveals at least four places where the system broke down. 不管推测的结果如何,时代周刊的调查揭示了至少有四个方面出现了体制的故障。
- In a recent popularity poll, despite her relative invisibility, she ranked four places ahead of Ms Dati. 在最近的一项关于声望的民意测验中,尽管她相对地较少露面,却比达缇女士排名靠前四位。
- "The top four places will certainly be up for grabs, but we want to make sure we are up there. “英超四强的位置肯定面临你死我活的竞争,但是我肯定我们要坐在那里。”
- It took four men to wrestle the heavy rock into place. 4个人费尽力气才把那块很重的岩石搬到合适的地方。
- The music culture states of four places get the clear geographical wadding here. 四地的音乐文化状况在此得到清晰地理絮。
- "There are four places to meet on the upper West Side - all in homes," Rachlin said. 拉其琳说:"上城西区有四个聚集地点;都在信徒家里.;"
- Scotland, following a wonderful win in Paris, jumped nine places to 14th while the Republic of Ireland are currently 32nd, a rise of four places. 苏格兰在巴黎取得另人意想不到的胜利后,排名提升到第14位,同时爱尔兰共和国提升4个位置,处于第32位。
- For example, if the input range contains quarterly sales figures, sampling with a periodic rate of four places the values from the same quarter in the output range. 例如,如果数据源区域包含季度销售量数据,则以四为周期进行采样,将在输出区域中生成与数据源区域中相同季度的数值。
- The city of XXXX is embraced by two charming rivers, adorned with three stylish parks, blessed with four places of gorgeous scenery, and proud of the five-star service it offers. 提个建议,如果是有广告意味的翻译,应该把“信,达,雅”里面的“信”字放松要求。如果完全忠实原文,就不可能翻出活泼自然的英文。
- In case a tie exists in the standing for the first four places in Singles, Doubles, Trios or Team event before the semi finals a roll-off, frames 9-10, will be played. 若是个人组、双人组、三人组、团体组的最后对半决赛前,排名发生同分状况时进行加赛(第九、十格)。
- It is clear to all of us that two plus two is four. 二加二等于四对我们大家都很清楚。
- He wove four plots together into a novel. 他把四条情节编成一部小说。
- We have tea at four o'clock in the afternoon. 我们在下午四点钟喝茶。