- fractal of soil aggregates 结构体分形
- There were remarkable regression relationships between the fractal dimension of soil aggregates and the contents of water stable aggregates and water stable big aggregates. 土壤团粒结构的分形维数与水稳性团聚体含量及水稳性大团聚体含量之间存在显著回归关系;
- The status of soil aggregates is an important factor affecting soil fertility. 土壤团聚体和水稳性团聚体的状况是影响土壤肥力的一个重要因素。
- The results showed that: fractal dimension well characterized the composition of soil aggregates and water distribution within low suctions; 聊城大学黄河下游水土资源研究所山东聊城;
- There are some clods of soil on the mat. 垫子上有些土块。
- This kind of soil contains much alkali. 这种土壤含碱丰富。
- It's rich there because of the fertility of soil. 因为土地肥沃,那儿很富裕。
- Clods of soil stuck to the spade. 土块黏在铁铲上。
- The amount of soil aggregate on solonetz was 16.5% only, but after improving, it can reach 32.55%. 碱土的团粒结构则更少,仅为16.;5%25,但经化学措施改良后也可达到32
- Fractal of land cover in Kaifeng City based on RS and GIS. 基于RS和GIS的开封市土地覆盖分形
- The results showed that infiltration irrigation promotes the formation of soil aggregated structure,increases the effective soil nutrients,including NII + 4n itrogen and NO 3 nitrogen and phosphorus. 研究表明渗灌为棉株创造了良好的生长环境,促进了土壤团粒结构的形成,改善了土壤养分状况,铵态氮、硝态氮和速效磷等都有增加。
- Skin particles are a form of soil. 皮肤碎屑是污垢的一种形式。
- The applied science of soils in relation to crops. 土壤学和作物相关的应用土壤学
- Moist, rich, soft, and loamy. Used of soil. (指土壤)湿润的,富饶的,柔软的,肥沃的
- This is a bad kind of soil for growing wheat. 这是一种不适宜于种植小麦的土壤。
- The humidity of soil helps to grow. 土壤潮湿有助于植物生长。
- The Fractal Features of Soil Aggregate Structure Before and After Vegetation Destruction on Karst Mountain Areas 岩溶山区植被破坏前后土壤团聚体分形特征研究
- Quantitative characteristics of soil aggregates under different vegetations in upper reach of Minjiang River 岷江上游不同植被下土壤团聚体特征分析
- Moist, rich, soft, and loamy.Used of soil. (指土壤)湿润的,富饶的,柔软的,肥沃的
- To cover(a plant)with a mound of soil. (在植物根部)培土