- The state of knowledge about fracture surfaces is very meager. 有关断裂表面的知识非常缺乏。
- The fracture surfaces were examined by SEM. The results were compared using ANOVA. 用扫描电镜观察其断裂方式。
- The conclusions show that the abnormal fracture surfaces of DWTT on X70 line pipe have four types. 结果表明,厚壁X70管线钢DWTT异常断口有4种类型。
- The SEM has also denoted that there are some fatigue striae on the fracture surfaces. 研究还发现,金属陶瓷热冲击疲劳断口中存在疲劳条纹。
- Fracture surfaces of gold wire used for bonding semiconductor devices are researched by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-ray (EDX) . 用扫描电镜和X射线能谱仪分析研究了半导体器件键合用金丝的断口。
- It is brittle and breaks with a conchoidal fracture surface. 性脆,具贝壳状断口。
- The dispersion of N220 CB in EP was examined by means of X-ray and TEM,and the fracture surfaces of N220/EP were examined by SEM. 利用X射线衍射(XRay)、透射电镜(TEM),研究了N220炭黑在环氧树脂复合材料中的分散状态;
- The micro morphologies and textural characteristics of the pyrocarbon and fracture surfaces were observed by polarized light microscopy and SEM. 借助偏光显微镜及扫描电子显微镜观察了基体热解炭的微观组织结构及断口形貌特征;
- SEM observation shows that the typical cavities are obvious in fracture surfaces of tensile samples after superplastic deformation. 利用扫描电镜观察断口发现典型的超塑性空洞形貌特征。
- The fracture surface traverses matrix as well as fibers and interface. 断裂表面横切过基体、纤维和界面。
- Fish-eye marks were always observed around the interior inclusions on the fracture surfaces and a granular bright facet (GBF) was observed in the vicinity around the inclusion. 在夹杂物周围存在一个粗造的粒状亮区(GBF)。
- The fracture surfaces of multiaxial fatigue specimens under proportional and non-proportional multiaxial loadings were observed and analyzed by using a scan electron microscope. 摘要利用扫描电镜对多轴比例和非比例载下的疲劳试样的断口面和外表面进行扫描观测分析。
- In PDLLA/HA/MDI composites, HA particles were closely surrounded by PDLLA matrix and dispersed equally in PDLLA. The interface between PDLLA and HA was blurred and fracture surfaces appeared basic feature of toughness fracture. 在PDLLA/HA/MDI复合材料中,HA颗粒被PDLLA基体所紧紧包埋后,均匀分散在PDLLA基体中,HA颗粒与PDLLA之间的界面变得模糊,断面显示出韧性断裂的基本特征。
- The results on microhardness, fracture toughness and scanning electron microscopy images of fracture surfaces show that Ni addition can improve the properties of TiB 2 TiC composites. 显微硬度、断裂韧性和SEM断口形貌的研究结果表明添加剂Ni显著提高了TiB2 TiC复相陶瓷材料的综合性能。
- The results show that in the condition of water cooling rate after 1373K solution treatment, fracture surfaces of the AIM steel exhibit a IGB character, and that is restricted by ESR. 结果表明:在1373K固溶水冷条件下,AIM钢存在低温沿晶脆性,电渣重熔对其具有抑制作用。
- The microstructure and tensile fracture surface of the Q235 steel has been investigated by TEM and SEM. 应用TEM和sem观察钢的微观组织结构及拉伸断口。
- For both cast and forged steels, the fracture modes are clearly dependent upon K_1 at the crack tip and a transition from dimple to quasi-cleavage or intergranular is observed on the fracture surfaces with decreasing K_1. 这与断口观察一致,由此可以解释K_(ISCC)的差异。 尽管断口形貌明显依赖开裂时的K_I值,但在K_(ISCC)附近锻钢全是沿品断口,而铸钢则以准解理为主。
- The adiabatic heating induces the temperature of fracture surface layer to be higher than the liquidus temperature too. 计算表明;断口表面层绝热升温温度依然高于液相线温度.
- Fracture surface was flat in macrographic view,but dimpled rupture was observed in micrographic view. 宏观断口都比较平坦,但在微观上均呈现塑断特征;
- The fatigue fracture surface of test specimens shows hybrid-fracture characteristics of quasi-cleavage and dimple. 合金中添加Ce后,疲劳裂纹扩展区出现疲劳条纹,疲劳断口呈现出准解理和韧窝断裂的混合特征。