- Results have been shown that the HPG fracturing fluids can be completely destroyed by APS/catalysts. 结果表明:在APS/活化剂破胶系统的作用下,采用有机硼作交联剂的HPG压裂液在较低温度条件下能彻底破胶水化。
- It is necessary to solve the problem of fracturing fluids being broken in shallow and low temperature reservoirs. 对埋藏浅,油层温度低的油藏进行压裂改造,需解决压裂液低温破胶水化的问题。
- The thickeners are the main additives of water-based fracturing fluids, whose ability seriously affect the effect of fracturing treatment. 稠化剂是用于水基压裂液的主要添加剂,其性能的好坏将直接影响压裂的效果。
- The application performance of several guar gum fracturing fluids and clear fracturing fluids system had been evaluated. 选择了几种典型的胍尔胶与清洁压裂液体系,对有关应用性能进行了评价。
- The densifier is the main chemical component in the fracturing fluids and its properties directly affect using properties and the results of hydrofracture. 增稠剂是压裂液中的主要化学成分,增稠剂的性能直接影响压裂液的性能。
- With the emergence of a series of the strong water sensitive and low pressured reservoirs, the fracturing fluids which are suit for these reservoirs are in great urgency. 水力压裂是油气田增产的重要措施,随着一系列强水敏、低压储藏的出现,急需适合该类储藏压裂改造的压裂液体系。
- The synthesis condition of gelling agent phosphate ester in oil base fracturing fluid is studied on this paper. 探讨了油基压裂液胶凝剂磷酸酯的合成条件,进而对配制的压裂液性能进行了评价。
- The article introduces a skid-mounted fracturing fluid preparing device and its application test in the field. 为此,文章介绍了一种压裂液橇装配制装置及其现场应用实验。
- The thickener is a main chemical component in fracturing fluids, which is related to the properties of the fracturing fluid and the results of hydraulic fracturing. 增稠剂是水基压裂液中的主要添加剂,关系到压裂液的使用性能及压裂成败。
- The leakoff mechanism of the acidizing fluid is quite different from that of the fracturing fluid. 裂缝壁面的酸液滤失机理与压裂液的滤失机理有很大的不同。
- Formation damage can be minored by using CO2 foam fracturing fluid as it has low filtration, high flowback and good compatibility with formation fluids. 由于CO2泡沫压裂液具有滤失量低、返排能力强、与地层流体配伍性良好等优点,采用CO2泡沫压裂技术,可减小压裂液对地层的伤害。
- Negative suction is the commonly used technique for fracturing fluid preparation. 真空抽汲是压裂液普遍采用的配制工艺技术。
- Low polymer fracturing fluid system, with characteristics of little residue, low friction and filtrate loss, being easy to flow back, is developed. 研制开发了低残渣、低摩阻、低滤失和易返排的低聚合物压裂液体系。
- It is shown that the delayed crosslinking time of fracturing fluid can be adjusted by changing the dosage of DCL-KB and pH value. 对DCL-KB的耐温性、剪切恢复性、破胶性、携砂等性能进行了评价。 结果表明,DCL_KB交联剂耐温耐剪切性能好,调节加量和胶液的pH值,可改变延迟交联时间。
- A multiparameter model of calculating the filtration rate of fracturing fluid in dual porosity media is set up in the paper. 摘要文章建立了一种多参数计算压裂液在双重介质中滤失速度的模型。
- A new kind of gelatinizer (CJ2-9) is developed and formulation of the acidic fracturing fluid is confirmed in the paper. 摘要研制开发出一种新型酸性压裂液增稠剂-CJ2-9,并确定了酸性压裂液的配方。
- The viscosity of borate crosslinked foam fracturing fluid ascended with increasing foam quality and descended with rising temperature. 泡沫压裂液的黏度随气相体积份额的升高而升高,随温度的升高而下降。
- When conducting mixed tubing-casing fractuting, the fracturing fluid flow simultaneously through the tubing and the annulus into the formation. 在油套混压中,压裂液同时通过油管和油套环空进入地层,由于油管内室和油套环空的流动阻力性质不同,导致其流量和流速差异。
- Tests indicate that the fracturing fluid containing DCL KB possesses the advan tage of adjustable delayed crosslinking time, good thermal stability, quick breaking property. 以DCL-KB为主剂的压裂液耐温耐剪切性能好、滤失量小、破胶快速彻底,而且具有良好剪切恢复能力,可满足小眼井压裂的需要。
- According to coal-bed formation characteristics of low porosity and low permeability to choose optimum fracturing fluid formula, we have chosen HEC fracturing fluid. 结合煤层孔隙度小、渗透性差等物性特征,对压裂液配方进行优化,筛选出适合煤层物性的HEC压裂液,并对其性能进行了评价。