- The paper offers an interpreting frame based on political economics. 本文提供了一个政治经济学的解读框架。
- The underlying algebraic structures are composite Galois fields GF((2~n)~m) in a standard base representation. 本文主要研究基于有限域GF((2~n)~m)上的椭圆曲线加密算法(ECC)的硬件设计。
- A fusion reasoning frame based on CBR and RBR is put forward, and a Pre-DSS is designed and developed based on the frame. 将以黄河故道地区砀山酥梨黑星病为例进行测试的数据,与现有方法以及实测数据进行相关性统计分析。
- In general, sampling frame based on household registration becomes troublesome due the biases from social mobility. 作者指出由于社会流动;以户籍资料做为抽样的依据造成偏差。
- The paper implements an approach to extract I frame based on compression from MPEG Bit Stream. 本文实现了在压缩域上直接从MPEG码流中提取I帧。
- The low-profile TLMx100x LED package consists of a reliable lead frame base embedded in a clear epoxy. 超薄TLMx100x封装包含嵌入在清晰环氧树脂中的可靠引线框基盘。
- A kind of design technique frame based on the contrast-detail-dose(CDD) function was proposed for the development of ICT system. 据此;推导了扇束三代二维ICT系统基于CDD函数的设计平台;并完成了软件开发.
- This paper analyzes the characteristics of on-line bid,puts forward the centralized bidding frame based on Internet,and optimizes the bid procedure. 从实践出发,分析了网上设备招标的特点,结合在招标工作中所出现的问题,提出了以招标中心为主体的网上招标,并完善、优化了招标流程。
- This article comes up with a frame based on trichotomy to analyze the disbalance among contract governance mechanisms during China's economic transition. 本文在三分法的基础上,建立了一个分析中国转型期契约治理机制作用失衡的框架。
- When somebody follows the link from a search result listing to a frame based site, they will land on an orphaned document, outside of its parent frameset. 当有人随着从搜索结果列表里的连接来到一个框架站点,他们着陆在一个孤单的文档上,孤立于其父框架。
- This computer then calibrates the electronic magnets at the top of the frame based on the distance between the globes and the top magnet to keep the globes correctly positioned. 这台计算机然后校准电子磁铁在根据地球和顶面磁铁之间的距离的框架顶部保持地球恰当地被安置。
- Biopharmaceutics classification system(BCS) is a scientific frame based on the solubility and permeability of drugs.Currently,FDA,WHO and EMEA have accepted the concept of BCS. 生物药剂分类系统是根据药物的溶解性和渗透性对药物进行分类的一种科学框架,目前FDA、WHO和EMEA都接受了这种分类概念。
- In order to meet the critical requirements of ripple current and efficiency, a novel topologic frame based on synchronized rectifier technology had been used in the power supply. 为满足加速器电源对降低纹波输出和提高效率的特殊要求.采用了一种全新的电源拓扑结构,即基于同步整流技术的多路移相式开关变换器。
- This article thought the theoretical analysis frame base on which " the limitation of institution utility " is the part of the institution vicissitude theory. 本文认为,围绕“制度效用有限”展开的理论分析框架是制度变迁理论的组成部分。
- We transferred the atlas and MR images into the same coordinate frame based on anatomic knowledge, and adapted a piecewise affine transformation according to space information in Talairach coordinate frame and MR images. 借助基本的解剖知识,我们将图谱和图像转换到同一坐标空间中,并根据Talairach坐标系统对脑的空间划分以及由MR图像得到的空间信息,完成分段仿射变换。
- Abstract:In order to study the seismic performance of the RC frame based on the single PHC pile, the accurate analysis model is established according to the actual mode of construction. [摘要]为研究预应力管桩柱下单桩基础对框架结构抗震性能的影响,根据结构的实际构造做法,建立了精确的分析模型。
- After tested the overreaction hypothesis, the paper build a behavioral financial analysis frame based on the existing behavioral financial theories and analyze the empirical results in the frame. 在进行了过度反应检验之后,本文以现有的行为金融学理论为基础构建了行为金融学的分析框架,以此框架对过度反应检验的实证分析结果进行了分析。
- Bridges operate at the data link layer of the OSI model and forward frames based. 桥操作在数据链路层在OSI模型里,转发帧基于源的目标地址在帧里。
- Coded frame: A coded representation of a frame. 已编码的帧:代表已经编码的帧。
- The bevel of that picture frame was damaged. 那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。