- More often than not, this translates into a need for a free flow of information across those processes. 这通常也可以说成这些流程之间需要一个自由的信息流。
- We allow free flow of information, which is distinctively important in a world where knowledge drives economic growth. 我们容许资讯自由流通,而在经济增长由知识带动的世界,这是特别重要的。
- They feared that those thoughts also were being inspired by the ideas of the free flow of information supporters. 它们担心这些想法也是受到了信息自由流动支持者思想的鼓动。
- We will continue to safeguard the free flow of information and capital, and protect the freedoms and rights we now enjoy. 我们决心维持香港一直引以为荣的高效率政府和良好的营商环境,保障资金自由流通。我们也会坚决维护香港市民的自由和权利。
- "Reasonable structure, coordinated work and free flow of information" is the service aim of our Business information centre. “结构合理、工作协调、信息畅通”是本商业信息中心的服务宗旨。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- Any regime as palpably concerned about the free flow of information, knows well that ideas about freedom might be very popular. 任何关心信息的自由流通的政权都很清楚地知道自由思想将有可能很受欢迎。
- When you keep an open communication with others, you are allowing the free flow of information from you to them and vice versa. 当你保持和别人开放式的交流,你完全可以从你和他们的对话中得到减少恶行的免费讯息。
- Hong kong has a lot of advantages , including free flow of information ,a fair competive environment and an efficient local government . 香港的优势不胜枚举,如:信息交流平台畅通无阻、竞争环境公平公正,还有政府机构高效务实等等。
- By maintaining free trade and the free flow of information, promoting fair competition, enhancing the quality of the market and upgrading human resources. 提供一个有利营商的环境,包括维持贸易自由及资讯流通自由,鼓励公平竞争,提升市场素质及人力资源素质。
- The new road system permit the free flow of traffic at all times. 新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻。
- We know strict adherence to the rule of law,the need for a corruption free society,predictable government policies as well as free flow of information and capital are other important factors which will put investors,local and international at ease. 我们知道,坚守法治精神、维护廉洁的社会、政府推行明确的政策,以及资讯自由传送、资金自由流动,在在皆是令本地和海外投资者安心的非常重要因素。
- The new road system permits the free flow of traffic at all times. 新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻。
- We know strict adherence to the rule of law, the need for a corruption free society, predictable government policies as well as free flow of information and capital are other important factors which will put investors, local and international at ease. 我们知道,坚守法治精神、维护廉洁的社会、政府推行明确的政策,以及资讯自由传送、资金自由流动,在在皆是令本地和海外投资者安心的非常重要因素。
- Can a society that has been characterised as a heavily censored society that curtail the free flow of information able to accept developed countries factory management practices in China? 中国是一个信息封闭已久的社会,是否仍能用已开发国家一样的管理模式管理大陆的工厂?
- An organic organization has the structural characteristics mentioned above and others like wide span of control, cross-functional teams, free flow of information and low formalization. 一个有机组织的结构特征,上述提及到的以及其他类似的大跨度的控制,跨功能团队,自由流通的资讯和低形式化。
- Thriving on the free flow of information and an unencumbered flow of new ideas both in his own life and in the society around him, Franklin foreshadowed much of what America would become. 在他自己的生活及周围的社会中,他凭藉信息的自由交流及新思想不受阻碍地传播而事业有成。富兰克林在很大程度上预示了美国的未来。
- And worse,it choked off the free flow of ideas. 更糟糕的是,它扼杀了观念的自由传播。
- And worse, it choked off the free flow of ideas. 更糟糕的是,它扼杀了观念的自由传播。
- Dotted arrows represent flow of information. 虚矢线表示信息流程。