- free frontier trade area 边境自由贸易区
- A research on Regional Economic Integration, China- ASEAN Free Trade Area and Guangxi Frontier Trade 区域经济一体化、中国-东盟自由贸易区与广西边境贸易研究
- China-ASEAN Free Trade Area has been extremely prosperous. 东盟自由贸易区异常繁荣起来
- This is the first free trade area agreement China joined. 这是中国参与的第一个自由贸易区协议。
- First, to study feasibility of East Asian Free Trade Area. 第一,研究建立东亚自由贸易区的可行性。
- ROK and ASEAN are contemplating establishing a free trade area, too. 韩国与东盟也开始考虑建立自由贸易区。
- In November, they agreed to call a halt to the free trade area negotiations. 在11月份,他们同意呼吁暂停自由贸易区谈判。
- Mr. da Silva has offered to move forward on talks to establish a free trade area in the Americas. 并且推进了在美洲建立自由贸易区的会谈。
- Jurists, economists and famous lawyers gather together in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Legal Affairs Forum. 东盟自由贸易区法律事务论坛,汇聚了中外法学专家、经济专家、知名律师
- Frontier trade is one of the special trade form between the adjacent countries, and is the important content of the whole open?door policy in our country. 边境贸易是毗邻国家之间特有的一种贸易形式,是我国全方位开放的重要内容。
- Finally in analyzes the Xinjiang frontier trade prospects for development in the foundation, proposed the Xinjiang frontier trade development strategic measure. 最后在分析新疆边境贸易发展前景的基础上,提出了新疆边境贸易发展的战略措施。
- In this chapter we focus on trade integration in the form of either a customs union or a free trade area. 在这一章,我们将集中论述关税同盟或自由贸易区形式的贸易一体化。
- Meanwhile, in Latin America, one will say goodbye to the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA, or in Spanish ALCA). 与此同时,在拉丁美洲,人们将会对美洲自由贸易区(FTAA,在西班牙语里是ALCA)说声拜拜。
- This paper thinks Free Trade Area or CEPA is the best choice to construct Taiwan Straits area. 本文认为类似自由贸易区或CEPA的模式是台湾海峡经济区的最佳选择。
- Menon J. , "Intra-Industry Trade and the ASEAN Free Trade Area", Pacific Economic Papers No. 251, 1996. 赵春明、李丽红:;载2002年第2期.
- Part two: Generalize the Heilongjiang province the frontier trade development into the process, and concentrade to tally up Heilongjiang provincial frontier trade the present conditions. 第二部分,概括黑龙江省边境贸易发展的进程,集中总结黑龙江省边境贸易的现状。
- China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Legal Affairs Forum has already been successful held twice in conjunction with the annual China-ASEAN EXPO. 东盟自由贸易区法律事务论坛随着每年一度的博览会已成功举办了两届
- China-ASEAN Free Trade Area is the one with largest population as well as the biggest free trade area consisting of developing countries. 东盟自由贸易区是世界上人口最多的自由贸易区,也是发展中国家组成的最大的自由贸易区。
- Currently, Chinais negotiating on free trade area agreements with the Gulf Cooperation Council, New Zealand, Australiaand etc. 目前,中国正在与海湾合作委员会,新西兰,澳大利亚等国商议自由贸易区协定。
- Communication deepens understanding on commercial laws and investment policies between member countries of this free trade area. 通过围绕自贸区投资、经贸法律与政策的交流,增进了成员国之间对相关法律、政策等方面的了解。