- To free oneself of an addiction, as to narcotics or cigarettes. 戒除使自己戒掉恶习,如吸毒或抽烟
- To free oneself of an addiction,as to narcotics or cigarettes. 戒除使自己戒掉恶习,如吸毒或抽烟。
- Is thinking the suicide can free oneself very foolish? 认为自杀就能解脱是不是很愚蠢?
- Dismantle the machinery and one will free oneself to move wherever one is needed. 卸去机械,一个人就能自行到他所被需要的地方去。
- How to free oneself to have a headache everyday. . Giddy. The breathless symptom with afflictive wind. . ? 如何解脱每天头痛.
- Envying is a kind of insalubrious psychology, can prevent oneself aspirant, make oneself encounter difficulty to also cannot free oneself. 妒忌是一种不健康的心理,会阻止自己上进,使自己碰到困难也无法解脱。
- Silent can you free oneself really occasionally? Lose insipidly probably this ought not to what do I have? Are helpless life and life everybody can susceptive? 沉默有时候真的可以解脱吗?平淡的失去或许本不该我所拥有吗?无奈的人生及生活是所有人所能承受的吗?
- First one must forgive and release the karma, and then one must release the attachments and free oneself in the physical from the circumstance that enslaves. 首先,你必须宽恕并释放业力,然后你必须从奴役自己的物理层环境中,释放连接并解放自我。
- "It is necessary to free oneself from the way of thinking, which sets out from human problems and which asks for solutions on this basis.Such thinking is unbiblical," he asserted. “他们应该放弃目前的思想方法,这种思想来源于人类的问题,并且只能在这个基础上解决,这并非圣经的本意”,他断言。
- I feel what live now is very tired! What method frees oneself excuse me? 我感觉现在活的好累哦!请问有什么方法来解脱呢?
- The emergence and developments of the Writing Zen are a result that the culture of Sung Dynasty developed highly. It also reflects the development of Sung Zen culture. Harmonious and " Free Oneself" is the core of Lin Ji Zen’s social thought. 文字禅在北宋中期取得迅速发展,此后历史上出现的各种文字禅形式相继出现,这主要是宋代文化高度发展的结果,也体现了宋代禅的高度发展。
- The holographic information that the Absolute Freedom command accesses has to do with whatever is required to be understood in order to free oneself from the ties that bind oneself to another. 绝对自由指令所访问的全息信息是用以处理为了释放把你同他人绑在一起的绳索所需要被理解的任何事物。
- Because this name steals the crime of 2.8 stere fir when the suspect is caught not only revolt without a bit, instead greatly easy tone, cried to be able to free oneself eventually continuously. 该名因盗窃2.;8立方米杉木的犯罪嫌疑人被抓时不但没有丝毫反抗,反而大大舒了口气,直喊终于可以解脱了。
- Freedom is a tone that releases attachment, freeing oneself and others from all ties that bind. 自由是一个释放连接,将自己或他人从所有束缚的捆绑中解放的音调。
- One is freeing oneself for all ancestors that ever lived in the pain and the prison of the fracturing of time. 你正从所有曾经生活在痛苦内和生活在破裂的时间监狱内的所有祖先中释放你自己。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- To M.) "One attains this state immediately after freeing oneself of all grief and desire. (对M)说:“一旦从所有的忧伤与不幸解脱出来以后,就很快会得到这种状态。”
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- He's a fervent believer in free speech. 他是言论自由的强烈信仰者。
- With a justice, daring charge and free oneself; 具有正义感,敢管事、敢出头;