- Tom gave him a free pass on the railway. 汤姆给了他一张火车免费乘车券。
- Inveigle a free pass to the screening of the new film. 用哄骗的方式得以免费观赏这部新电影
- All conference registrants will receive a free pass to the GOA show floor. 所有会议登记将收到一份免费的传递给车身展区。
- The audience admitted with free passes. 免费入场的观众
- To issue free passes for(a theater, for example). 提供免费入场券(如剧院)
- I finally got a free pass to the ground and I'm going to cling on to it like grim death. 我终于得到一张去那里的免费通行证,因而我将像格里姆死神牢牢地护着它。
- For the very same reason creditors are getting a free pass now: they expected to be bailed out. 基于同样的原因,债权人如今则想免票乘车:他们当时就料到会得到救援。
- Firms also get a free pass for the corrupt practices of their subsidiaries, unless it is proved that they ordered or actively connived in them. 对于子公司的腐败行径,各公司还可豁免其责,除非能证明它们曾下令或积极纵容其子公司。
- Though they agree that Cubans should be allowed to visit their families, they are angry that Mr Obama gave Cuba a free pass. 尽管,他们看来,允许古巴人民回国探访家人的做法毋庸置疑,但令他们气愤的是,奥巴马竟然给古巴通通亮绿灯。
- A free pass to a theater. 剧院的免费入场券
- Even though the developing world had improved its economic performance in aggregate, many countries with iffy records got a "free pass", thanks to the general improvement in sentiment. 虽然第三世界总体上改善了经济表现,但是许多有可疑记录的国家只是由于投资者信心的普遍提高才得到了"免费通行证"。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- I hate Drogba and his antics but I can easily see that he is F***in class.And our boy Ronaldo is even better. He gets a free pass on his petulance because his talent is out of this F***in world. 罗纳尔多的进球也赢得对手的尊重,波尔图助理教练戈麦斯认为球队被这样一个进球淘汰,也是理所当然,“我们能为自己感到自豪,我们输给世界上最优秀的球队,还有世界上最优秀的球员所打进的一个世界上最优秀的进球。”
- When, in September 2009, America handed them a free pass to the moral high ground by imposing tariffs on tyre imports, they risked worsening the damage with a threat of retaliation. 2009年9月,美国提高轮胎进口关税,“慷慨”助中国登道德制高点一臂之力,中国却扬言报复,险些让局面进一步恶化。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- The secret behind the free passes -- as Torre, a former catcher, noted from his days behind the plate -- lies in the fact that Abreu is more of a push hitter. 老爹,前捕手,在以前捕手的时光发现到,保送上垒的秘密在于阿布瑞尤是比较属于推打的打击者。
- He's a fervent believer in free speech. 他是言论自由的强烈信仰者。
- She picked up a new magazine with her free hand. 她用空着的一只手拿起一本新杂志。
- Jon sent away for a free almanac. 乔写信去要一份免费赠阅的年历。
- Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while. 既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。