- Offer free shipping on their next purchase. 下次购买时提供免费送货。
- This product is eligible for Free Shipping. 此产品可享受免邮运费优惠!
- Once you fulfill the participation requirements, we will ship the incentive gift to you with free shipping. 一旦你履行了参与要求,我们将免费海运奖品给你。
- My proposal is that we double our order,and you provide free shipping. 我们的提案是,我们订两倍的量,而你们提供免费运送。
- I have to reorder a CF card, and it doesn't arrive until now since it is free shipping. 我只好再次下单订一块CF卡,选择“免费送货”的坏处是到现在还没收到卡。
- Lowes has KitchenAid 4.5-Quart Cook for the Cure Ultra Power Stand Mixer (model KSM95PWH) for $150 with free shipping. 我每天除了吃饭的时间全在减肥,你还说我没有毅力?
- Other places to find free shipping and packing box are through your local craigslist and Freecycle ads. 相反的情况是,厌食症患者、节食者或者运动过多的女人(通常,比一般人体重轻10%25),停止了雌性激素的生产,这些人通常都受到阴道干燥的折磨。
- The ship was free of the harbor. 那艘船离开了港囗。
- So for example is the price free shipping 0.50 dollar oro.40 dollar, of course we donn't order one but more. 所以比如是自由航运0.;5美元或者40美元的价格,当然啦,我们不会支付一美元或者更多。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- Auto City is to take a look at it, or to Dangdang, excellent on-line to buy, more discounts and free shipping to the general, saving time. 还是去汽配城看看吧,或者到当当网、卓越网上买,折扣比较大,而且一般能免费送货,节约时间。
- Offer the Original Nike Shox Shoes with Cheap Price and Top Quality Guarrantee, Secure Shopping Online and Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! 开花网:鲜花全球速递;国内三小时送达各大中城市;沈阳二环内免费速递.;024-62222202
- Free shipping for orders over $X amount can suck cash out of your pocket, but the really sinister price modifier is the rebate. 虽然买够多少钱可以免费送货的服务可以让你掏出兜里的钱,但真正厉害的价格陷阱是打折。
- Foldable bag shipping: full payment for more than 5,000 yuan in Shanghai with free shipping, less will be charged as the location of 50-150 yuan freight. 折叠袋运费:货款满5000元以上者上海市内免费送货,不足会视所在地区收取50-150元运费。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- He's a fervent believer in free speech. 他是言论自由的强烈信仰者。
- She picked up a new magazine with her free hand. 她用空着的一只手拿起一本新杂志。
- Jon sent away for a free almanac. 乔写信去要一份免费赠阅的年历。
- Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while. 既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。
- By clicking on a link or typing a code,you can get 10 or 20 percent off your next order,free shipping for life,a $10 credit or any number of other incentives to shop on the Web Sites. 只需点击某个链接或是敲入某个代码,你就可以在下一个订单中享受10%25-20%25的折扣,免费寄送,10美元的信用额或其他一些刺激网上消费的手段。