- freely flexible exchange rate [经] 自由变动汇率
- China had long insisted that it would adopt a more flexible exchange rate system, but not until it was ready. 中国长期以来坚持道,直到一切准备就绪,中国将采取更加灵活的汇率体系。
- Without a more flexible exchange rate, there is a growing risk that China's sizzling economy will boil over. 没有一个更为灵活的汇率,是有越来越大的风险,中国的炒热经济将烧开了。
- With flexible exchange rates, however, the deficit cannot last. 但是,在变动汇率下,这种逆差不可能持久。
- S. has no currency policy.And as for getting China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate, anything Congress does will probably be counterproductive. 在敦促中国采取更为灵活的汇率机制方面,美国国会的一举一动都可能会适得其反。
- The G7 has spoken up for flexible exchange rates all round. G7一直在呼吁灵活汇率。
- China has vowed to move to a more flexible exchange rate, which is generally assumed to mean a revaluation in the short-term, but has never said when it would move. 中国已誓言要向更灵活的汇率体系转变,一般认为,这意味着短期内将调整汇率,但中国从未说明何时行动。
- Or take another popular line of defence: it is often asserted that China cannot afford a more flexible exchange rate until its dodgy banking system is reformed and strengthened. 或者用另一个更受欢迎的防线:中国经常宣称在总是出岔子的金融系统得到改革并巩固之前,受不了更具弹性的汇率体系。
- A more flexible exchange rate would dampen the rapid accumulation of FX reserves and the leakage of those reserves into the real economy via imperfect sterilisation. 扩大汇率灵活性有助于抑制外汇储备的猛增,从而减少由此造成的流动性膨胀。
- "Papazian quarter Moss suggested that more flexible exchange rate mechanism could help China to control the pace of growth of foreign exchange reserves. 帕帕季莫斯建议,更加灵活的汇率机制可以帮助中国控制外汇储备增长的步伐。
- We found that monetary policy was more powerful with flexible exchange rates. 我们发现,在变动汇率下货币政策更有效。
- Flexible exchange rates yield an intermediate outcome in the face of capital-flow shocks. 变动汇率在面临资本流动冲击时能产生一种缓冲的效果。
- On the monetary side, the IMF and Pakistan have agreed to continue ‘flexible exchange rate’ policy, which means that the State Bank would not intervene in the market to stabilise the rupee. 在金融方面,国际货币基金组织和巴基斯坦已经同意继续'灵活的汇率政策,这意味着国家银行不会干预市场,以稳定卢比。
- Flexible exchange rates seem to perform better in the face of shifts in export demand. 看来变动汇率在面临出口需求变动时能发挥较好的作用。
- Many have plenty of reserves and flexible exchange rates, making a rerun of the 1997-98 crises unlikely. 很多新兴经济体拥有大量的外汇储备,实行浮动汇率制度,1997-98的危机不可能重现。
- Flexible exchange rates offer some cushioning against foreign shifts but tend to magnify the disruption from shifts of domestic origin. 变动汇率对国外的变动提供某种缓冲作用,但往往会加重国内变动所造成的破坏。
- Whether or not flexible exchange rates lead to too much inflation is an open question. 变动汇率是否会导致过多的通货膨胀,这是一个尚未解决的问题。
- How fiscal policy works with flexible exchange rates is a little more complicated. 在变动汇率下,财政政策如何发挥作用是比较复杂的。
- Evaluate the effect of expansionary policies under fixed and flexible exchange rates using the Mundell-Fleming model. 这个题考察蒙代尔模型。只需搞清楚固定利率和浮动利率下财政政策和货币政策对产出的影响就能做出来。
- Most world trade currently takes place with flexible exchange rates that fluctuate within relatively fixed limits. 目前大部分的世界贸易在震荡相当有限的变动汇率中进行。