- Half of the vegetable freeze out in the sudden cold. 一半的蔬菜在突如其来的寒凉中冻死了。
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。
- The poor bastard of a driver could freeze out there. 司机那个可怜虫该冻坏了。
- It's so cold in this room we're nearly frozen out. 这屋里真冷,可把我们冻坏了
- Meat and wine rot within the vermilion gates; corpses freeze out on the street. 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨
- The situation is not acceptable because the Chinese are pumping out gas. 目前的形势是无法接受的,因为中国人正在抽走天然气。”
- Meat and wine rot.within the vermilion gates; corpses freeze out on the street. 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨
- Introduction on renovation of down blowing gas collector and gas cooler of two-stage gasifier torestore their function to avoid explosion. 介绍对两段炉的下吹煤气收集器、煤气冷却器的改造,恢复了它们的作用,避免了爆炸的发生。
- Small shops are being frozen out by the big supermarkets. 小 子都要让大超级市场给挤垮了。
- This project stabilizes the gas collector pressure,prolongs the life-span of coke oven and attains the purpose of energy economy. 该方案既可稳定焦炉集气管的压力和延长焦炉寿命,又能达到节能降耗的目的。
- In coking process, the stable pressure of gas collector is an important industrial parameter. Its stability directly influences the life of coke ovens and coke production. 在炼焦生产过程中,焦炉集气管压力是炼焦生产中的重要参数,它的稳定性直接影响着焦炉的使用寿命和焦碳的生产。
- Small shop is freezed out by the big supermarket. 小商店都要让大超级市场给挤垮了。
- The vegetables froze out during the cold spell. 蔬菜在寒潮期间都冻死了。
- A new shock wave reactor for carrying out gas phase pyrolysis has many advantages. 新型的激波反应器可用于气相热解反应,具有许多优点。
- It's freezing out here. Would you come back inside? 外面很冷,到里面来吧。
- Based on analyzing the influence factors and coupling relations of coke oven gas collector, PID control, decoupling control and expert control are used to control gas collector pressure. 摘要集气管压力的稳定影响焦炭的质量和焦炉的寿命,通过分析焦炉集气管压力影响因素及其耦合关系,采用PID控制、解耦控制、专家控制来进行集气管压力的控制。
- They were frozen out of the club. 他们被挤出了俱乐部。
- Ody is freezing out of the window.Poor doggy. “欧迪在窗外冻得瑟瑟发抖,可怜的狗狗。
- Vilnai told Israel Radio that handing out gas masks does not mean that war with Iran is imminent. 维尔奈对以色列电台说,发放防毒面具并不意味着以色列马上要和伊朗打仗。
- Open up! It's freezing out here. 开门!外面很冷。