- frequent item linked list 频繁项目链表
- The data pages are not linked in a linked list. 数据页不在链接列表内链接。
- Represents a doubly linked list. 表示双向链接列表。
- For example, the linked list has a member variable called m_Head of type Node, used for referencing the first item in the list. 例如,该链表具有一个名为m_Head的Node类型的成员变量,用于引用该列表中的第一个项。
- Inserting a new item into a persistent singly linked list will not alter the existing list but create a new version with the item inserted into it. 如果插入一个新的节点到持久化的单向链表中,我们不应该改变当前链表的状态,而需要创建一个新的链表而后插入指定节点。
- So far, a message queue sounds a lot like a simple linked list. 到目前为止,消息队列听起来很象简单的链表。
- What's the difference between a linked list and an array? 在一个链表和一个阵列之间的差别是什么?
- The limitlessness and mobility of data streams made the traditional frequent item algorithm difficult to apply to data streams. 摘要数据流的无限性和流动性使得传统的频繁项挖掘算法难以适用。
- Problem :Given a singly linked list, find the middle of the list. 单链表上的花样是很多的,很多问题不用些奇淫巧技是不成的。
- To add a link for editing a record, select the Show edit item links check box. 要添加用于编辑记录的链接,请选中“显示编辑项目链接”复选框。
- To add a link for inserting a new record, select the Show insert item link check box. 要添加用于插入新记录的链接,请选中“显示插入项目链接”复选框。
- The program stores birthdate information in a linked list of Client blocks. 程序在Client块的链接表中存储生日信息。
- Another is that sorting frequent item of not fuzzy attributes in descending order of their support firstly,then sorting database fuzzy attributes with frequent item in ascending order of their nodes number in FFP tree. 先对非模糊属性下的频繁项目按支持度从大到小进行排序,再对模糊属性按其在FFP-树中包含的不同结点的个数,从少到多进行排序,然后依次将各属性下的频繁项目插入到头表中。
- This item links to a list of issues that are not detected by Upgrade Advisor, but might exist on your server or in your applications. 此项链接至一个问题列表,其中列出的问题是升级顾问未检测到但却可能存在于服务器或应用程序中的问题。
- As an example, take an application that maintains a linked list of accounts. 以维护链接的帐户列表的应用程序为例。
- This algorithm can generate new candidate item sets effectively using the frequent item sets in the knowledge database, so it can avoid the problem that candidate item sets is very large. 该算法可以有效利用知识数据库中保留的最小非高频项目集来产生新的候选项目集,避免了候选项目集的数量太庞大的问题。
- Assign the expected size of the linked list to the variable expected. 将链接列表的预期大小分配给变量expected。
- By utilizing the byte characteristic, DFMfi can optimize the mapping and unifying operations on the item sets. Moreover, for the first time a method based on bitmap which uses local maximal frequent item sets for fast superset checking is employed. 算法DFMfi充分利用位图的字节特性,优化了项集的匹配和合并操作,并首次在其中引入了基于局部最大频繁项集的超集存在判断方法。
- A series of items linked in a chained list; specifically, a string of characters in a word. 连接在链表中的一组项目,如一个词中的字符串。
- For reducing the spaces of rule database and facilitating users to query,the minimal prediction set is used and mined using maximum frequent item sets which are found by a set-enumeration tree. 为缩减关联规则存储空间和方便查询关联规则,提出一种前件为单一项目的最小预测集算法。