- He is a frequent visitor to our house. 他是我们家的常客。
- She was a frequent visitor to the gallery. 她经常参观这个美术馆。
- You are a frequent visitor at my house. 你是我家的常客。
- He is a frequent visitor to this country. 他常常访问这个国家。
- She's a frequent visitor to the US. 她经常去美国。
- Marty was a frequent visitor to our house. 马蒂过去是我们家的常客。
- I heard Princess Diana was an avid tennis fan and a frequent visitor to Wimbledon. 我听说戴安娜王妃也是一位热情的球迷和温布尔登的常客。
- Tarak became a frequent visitor at Dakshineswar and received the Master's grace in abundance. 塔拉克成为经常到访达克希什瓦的来客,获得了师父丰富的优雅。
- Since the buy here in 1967, Bernie and his wife is the Palm Beach Country Club has been a frequent visitor. 自从1967年在这里买了房以后,伯尼和他的太太就是棕榈滩乡村俱乐部的常客了。
- This was Ko Chung-mou, a friend of Chiu Chun, the lawyer. He was a newspaper reporter and also a frequent visitor to Wu Sun-fu's house. 这人叫做柯仲谋,是律师秋隼的朋友,现充新闻记者,也是常到吴公馆的熟客。
- Princess Diana was an avid tennis fan and a frequent visitor at Wimbledon. Many of the sport's key figures were deeply saddened by the news of her tragic death in an accident. 戴安娜王妃是一位热情的球迷的温布尔顿的常客,许多体坛大人物都为她意外丧生的死讯而难过。
- The first half of 1933, I was busy with my dissertation, for which I became a frequent visitor of Prof. Carcassonne. He came to town only when he had classes. 一九三三年的上半年,我忙于写论文,也忙于写文章,身体不好。 为了论文的定稿,常到Carcassonne教授寓所去,他只有上课才进城来。
- Impeccable pure, inarticulate gorgeous and that is an Olympic silver rhyme to bring you, silver is the darling of fashion is also a frequent visitor noble home. 无可挑剔的纯净、难以言喻的华丽,就是这一款奥韵银所要带给您的,银色是时尚的宠儿,也是高尚家居的常客。
- "Cowboy cool" is a franchise cowboy clothing shops, many varieties, fashionable men and women, models and entertainment circle of friends is a frequent visitor here. 牛仔酷就是一家专营牛仔服饰的店铺,品种很多,时尚男女、模特和娱乐圈的朋友是这里的常客。
- Wang is a frequent visitor to the elderly, they are very familiar with, he just opens the elderly get in the hands of the smoke, jokingly said: "This will give me a box ah, you gave it a stay. 王书记是老人家的常客,两人很熟悉了,他把老人刚打开的烟拿到手里,开玩笑地说:“这盒可给我了啊,就给你留一根吧。”
- Some women were frequent visitors to the Chinese camps from their earliest days on the goldfields. 在金矿早期,有些欧洲妇女还频繁访问华人的宿营地。
- He and Darnay soon became frequent visitors at the small house in Soho Square, the home of Doctor Manette and his daughter. 他和达尔内很快成为在索霍街区一栋小屋,即曼奈特医生和他女儿家的常客。
- Soon British scientists became more frequent visitors to China which, as all recognise, is the home of many important scientific inventions. 众所周知,中国是很多重要科学发明的发源地,英国的科学家很快就成了中国的常客。
- Frequent visitors who hold valid passports and are eligible to enter Hong Kong without a visa or entry permit may apply for a HKSAR Travel Pass. 经常访港并持有有效护照而毋须访港签证或进入许可的人士,可申请香港特别行政区旅游通行证。
- She asked that the visitor be brought before her. 她要求把访问者带到她的面前来