- freudian censor [医] 潜意识的抑制(精神分析)
- Two scenes were cut by the censor. 有两个镜头被审查员剪掉了。
- It is not constitutional to censor the press. 审查新闻是违反宪法的。
- The censor insisted on excising the passage from the film. 电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段。
- The censor insist on excise the passage from the film. 电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段。
- The film came under the ban of censor. 该影片被审查官员禁止上映。
- A Freudian slip on her part betrayed the secret. 她一时说溜了嘴,泄露了秘密。
- The Freudian theory of hysteria. 弗洛伊德的癔病理论。
- A censor blipped the swear words. 审查员把粗鄙的话用哗哗声消掉。
- The censor - ped the swearing words. 电影审查员剪去了骂人的话。
- His reports were blacked out by the censor. 他的报导被审查员扣压不许刊登。
- They had to accept the blue pencil of the censor. 他们不得不接受检查员的修改。
- The play was banned (by the censor). 该剧本遭(审查员)查禁.
- Don't write anything that will bother the censor. 你可别写什么给检查员找麻烦的话。
- A white censor was standing over me. 有一个白人监察官在监视着我。
- The censor demanded that the scene be written out. 审查员要求把这个情节抹掉。
- Is the Freudian theory a pseudo- scientific doctrine? 弗洛伊德理论是赝科学吗?
- Do you sometimes censor yourself in interviews? 你平时在访问中会留意下自己的语言吗?
- The censor -ped the swearing words. 电影审查员剪去了骂人的话。
- Usually, this sort of violence is caused by Freudian fantasy. 当然这是一种非正式用法。