- frightemed dysphagia 恐膈
- The patient had symptoms of dysphagia and hematemesis. 我们完善各项检查后,肯定肿块是食管平滑肌瘤。
- Other possible symptoms are ataxia, vertigo, seizures, and dysphagia. 其他可能的症状还有共济失调、眩晕、癫痫发作和吞咽困难。
- Plates at C3 and shorter cervical constructs trended higher rates of dysphagia. 在第3颈椎和更短的颈椎椎体的钢板有更高的吞咽困难发生率。
- Key words: anterior cerical discectomy, dysphagia, esophagus, pharynx. 关键词:前路颈椎间盘切除术,吞咽困难,食管,咽
- The major symptoms of the patients were progressive dysphagia and pain behind the sternum. 主要症状为进行性吞咽困难和胸骨后疼痛。
- The study of Eating Cold Nutrltion on Relleving Dysphagia of the Patients with Advanced Esophageal Cancer. 晚期食管癌服冷疗素缓解吞咽困难的探讨。
- The clinical characters are dysphagia,phonasthenia,abnormal electromyogram and high CPK et al. 其临床特征是:吞咽困难、发音无力、肌电图呈肌源性改变、CPK升高等;
- Longer course, dysphagia developed to a certain extent that is no longer aggravated. 病程较长,咽下困难发展至一定程度即不再加重。
- Methods LHT was performed in 30 patients who had esophageal achalasia with severe dysphagia. 方法 30例伴严重吞咽困难的贲门失弛缓症的患者实行了LHT。
- Clinical symptoms include cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, dysphagia, and weight loss. 临床症状包括咳嗽、胸痛、气促、咳血、吞嚥困难及体重减轻。
- Preoperative osteophyte height did not predict which patients developed postoperative dysphagia. 术前骨赘的高度不能猜测术后发生吞咽困难。
- This is one of the “rings and slings” that will cause dysphagia and stridor in the young child. 这种“环形或吊索样结构”会导致儿童吞咽困难和喘鸣。
- Mainly rare smooth muscle tumor, a longer course of disease, dysphagia more intermittent. 主要为少见的平滑肌瘤,病程较长,咽下困难多为间歇性。
- Plates at the C3 and shorter constructs trended to have higher rates of dysphagia. 在颈3和更短的椎体的钢板引起吞咽困难的发生率更高。
- Thorough dysphagia workup identified 12 patients with eosinophilic esophagitis since 1995. 从1995年开始全面的嚥下困难诊断检查已确定12例为嗜伊红性食道炎患者。
- If such a tumor has extremely exophytic growth, it may result in a huge mediastinal mass without causing dysphagia. 当整个肿瘤几乎都向外生长时,食道胃肠道间质细胞肿瘤可以长成相当大的纵膈腔肿瘤而不造成病人吞嚥上的症状;
- Gastrointestinal symptoms of hypercalcemia include dysphagia, constipation, peptic ulcers, and pancreatitis. 高钙血症的消化系统症状包括吞咽困难,便秘,消化性溃疡和胰腺炎。
- Following this, he developed dysphagia, dysarthria, apathy, restlessness, and weakness in his limbs. 但四天后,病人发生吞嚥困难、语言不清、四肢无力、面无表情、坐立不安等情形。
- After the stent placement, all patients could take solid food without dysphagia. 支架置放期间所有患儿能进食固体食物,无吞咽困难。