- I've read the book from stem to stern. 这本书我已从头至尾读完。
- The liner has been refitted from stem to stern. 那艘班轮已经全面整修。
- I have read the book from stem to stern. 这本书我已从头至尾读完。
- He shuddered from stem to stern. 他全身发抖。
- The ship was in a blaze from stem to stern. 整艘船从头到尾都着火了。
- The ship is cleaned from stem to stern. 这艘船被彻底地打扫干净了。
- The sea ran high, and swept the little craft from stem to stern. 海面上风急浪高,小船从头至尾都被浪头冲刷著。
- The length of the clipper from stem to stern is thirty-six feet. 这艘快船从船头到船尾全长36英尺。
- The sea runs high,and sweeps the little craft from stem to stern. 海面上风急浪高,小船从头至尾都被浪头冲刷著。
- They searched the ship from stem to stern, looking for the missing suitcase. 他们对船进行了彻底的搜索, 寻找那只遗失的手提箱。
- The fleet from stem to stern covered a vast area on the surface of the river. 江面上,舳舻一片浩荡。
- Cinderella is forced by her bitchy stepmother to clean the house from stem to stern every day. 灰姑娘被她恶毒的后妈逼得天天从头到尾的打扫屋子。
- So the dog is chucked out the home. from stem to stern. itDon’t know why it chucked out. it only see that fat cat behind it and scornfully laugh . 于是,狗被一步三回头地赶出了家门。自始至终,它也不明白赶它走的原因。
- Measures have been taken to stem inflation. 已采取措施抑制通货膨胀。
- from stem to stem 从船头到船尾, 从头到尾, 全部
- Rice straw and Chinese milk vetch significantly inhibited the Cu absorption of rice root whereas enhanced the migration of Cu from root to stem and leaves, and from stem and leaves to grains to some extent. 稻草和紫云英显著地抑制了水稻根对铜的吸收,但在一定程度上促进了根铜向茎叶及茎叶铜向谷粒迁移。
- The fruit stalk xyloidization extent effect the storability of grape more than the stalk to stem ratio.,but the attachment of stem to the berries was not related to the turgor pressure. 果梗发育程度对葡萄耐贮性的影响远远大于果梗占果穗的比重,耐压力与耐拉力之间无明显关系。
- This is the way to stem the flow of the blood. 这才是制止流血的方法。
- The cut was bandaged to stem the bleeding. 伤口进行了包扎止血。
- Apply pressure to stem the flow of blood. 用力下压,把血止住。