- First, understanding the western connotations of the new frontier fortress poems from his early poetry. 一、从林染的前期诗作看“新边塞诗”的西部内涵。
- The term "Wu" (fortified castle) originally referred to a small castle for stationing troops in a frontier fortress. "坞"字原指边塞用于屯兵的小型城堡。
- The paper explicates the aesthetic quality and features of the poetry about the frontier fortress in the Tang Dynasty. 摘要本文论述了盛唐边塞诗歌所具有的美学品格。
- The poet used be a soldier, he has written many poems to describe the frontier fortress. 军伍出身的诗人,写了很多描写边塞的诗歌。
- Yan'an, the Gu Cheng of frontier fortress of a northland, one party is barren and mysterious loess ground. 延安,一座北国边塞的古城,一方贫瘠而又神秘的黄土地。
- This poem depicts a frontier fortress scenery, Shuzu experiences, and thinking deeper into Shuzu women both lovesickness suffering. 这首诗描绘了边塞的风光,戍卒的遭遇,更深一层转入戍卒与思妇两地相思的痛苦。
- As the Covenant entered into a trade, trade flourished here, a frontier fortress Datong become an important trade market. 由于订立了互市盟约,贸易在这里兴盛起来,成为大同边塞一处重要贸易市场。
- Located in the history of the frontier fortress, the wall remains the same, Castello, still, people sincerely feel the history of the atmosphere. 地处历史上的边塞,边墙依旧,堡城依旧,让人由衷地感受到了历史沧桑的氛围。
- Not only in Tang Dynasty, but after Han Dynasty, there are many poesies about frontier fortress that depict the war against the foreign, scenery about frontier, etc. 通过对诗歌作品的研究,发现南朝时期,具有边塞气息的诗歌绝大多数采用了乐府诗的形式,即为边塞乐府诗,而且很明显多是汉魏晋时期同名作品的拟作。
- Wang Changling was a famous poet of frontier fortress in the Tang Dynasty,Da BanJiaChi was a famous poet of period of Nara of Japan,he has written some poems about frontier soldiers. 王昌龄是唐代著名边塞诗人,大伴家持是日本奈良时期著名诗人,他创作了一些防人歌。
- Wang Changling (698 - about 756), the poet of the Tang Dynasty, Yang (Taiyuan, Shanxi Province today) people. Poems written by military frontier fortress forceful momentum, and high style. 王昌龄(698-约756),唐朝诗人,晋阳(今山西太原)人。所写边塞军旅诗气势雄浑,格调高昂。
- Cen Sen was a poet with remarkable achievement in the poetry circles of frontier fortress of great prosperity period in the Tang Dynasty.A lot of famous poems of his exhibited their constant beauty. 岑参是盛唐边塞诗坛成就斐然的大家,他的许多名篇放射出经久不灭的绚丽异彩。
- Madai's poems on frontier fortress not only bear the imprint of the time, transcend the decadence of the time, but also transfer and carry on the sprite of the flourishing age of Tang Dynasty. 马戴的边塞诗不仅具有鲜明的时代特色,且不乏超越时代绮靡,传承盛唐气韵的作品,值得进行较为详细的研究。
- The Appearance of Frontier Fortress in Tang Dynasty 从唐诗看盛唐边塞气象
- On the Poems of Frontier Fortress Written by Wu Jun 试论吴均边塞诗
- Frontier Fortress Poems of LuLun 试论卢纶的边塞诗
- The fortress was the nucleus of the ancient city. 这城堡是这座古城的中心。
- The soldier scaled the wall of the fortress by turret. 士兵通过塔车攀登上了要塞的城墙。
- The comparison of GAO Shi, CEN Sen's poem of frontier fortress 高适、岑参边塞诗之比较