- Many thanks to those who give us long-term support. Thanks for your patience and understanding and we wish to have fruitful collaboration between us in the coming future. 在此由衷的感谢长期以来支持我们的客户!感谢双方的耐心沟通与交流,并希望今后双方能更好地合作与提高。
- We bring together industry decision makers from around the world, allowing them to establish lasting relationships, present new projects and lay the foundations for fruitful collaboration. 我们为全球业界决策者提供会面的机会,帮助其建立长期的人脉关系,展示新项目,为未来合作奠定坚实基础。
- The era of university patenting has led to many fruitful collaborations in which schools license their discoveries to industry. 大学申请专利,开创了很多学校授权给业界的良好合作关系。
- We appreciate your interest in CTC and CIMCO products, and we look forward to a fruitful collaborate with you to make your next project a real success. 感谢您对CTC和CIMCO的产品所表现的极大兴趣。我们真诚的期待与您的合作,让您的这一冰雪项目更加完善。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- The apple tree is seldom fruitful. 这棵苹果树很少结果。
- Taken as a whole, the work was fruitful. 就总的情形说来,工作是有成绩的。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- The work will be more fruitful under this plan. 按照这一方案,做这工作将更有成效。
- He constructed a theory in collaboration with his colleagues. 他与同事合作创立了一种学说。
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。
- Several baskets of fruit were eaten at the party. 宴会上,大家吃掉了好几篮水果。
- The cart is piled high with fruit and vegetables. 马车上堆满了水果和蔬菜。
- In most markets you can buy fresh fruit in bulk. 在大多数市场上可买到散装新鲜水果。
- The fruit is prepackaged in plastic tray. 水果用塑料盘预先包装。
- The barren hills are crowned with fruit trees. 原先那片荒山如今已是果树成荫。
- The banana is her favorite fruit. 香蕉是她最喜欢的水果。
- The fruit dropped down from the tree. 水果从树上掉下来。
- Where do you want the collaboration to happen? 希望合作发生地点?
- We have enough fruit and to spare. 我们的水果充足有余。