- Study on Fruits Quality in Different Mature Period of Lycium barbarum L. 枸杞不同成熟期果实品质研究。
- "Promote artificial pollination, improve fruit quality," the best choice. 是“提倡人工授粉,提高果品质量”的最佳选择。
- Overcrowding in turn, leads inevitably to a depression in yield and a reduction in fruit quality. 过密又不可避免地导致产量的降低和水果品质下降。
- Conclusion: The composition and content vary with different species and district of Chaenomeles.The result may be useful for the evaluation of Chaenomeles fruits quality. 结论:木瓜的品种和产地不同对其所含化学成分类型与相对含量有明显影响,本实验数据对中药木瓜的质量评价有参考价值。
- Effects of different vine space and row space and trellis on fruit quality and yield of Vitis Amurensis Rupr. 山葡萄不同株行距和架式对果实品质和产量的影响。
- A Preliminary Study on Fruit Quality of Transgenic and Aphid Resisting Lycium barbarum L. 抗蚜虫转基因枸杞果实质量初步研究。
- This will not only prevent senescence but will also contribute to better fruit quality. 这不仅为了防止早衰,并有助于提高果品质量。
- In this paper, 24 evaluation variables, 24 criterion indices and 5 evaluation levels for the fruit quality of pome and stone fruits are chosen and studied in a systematic way. 本文运用模糊数学原理;在筛选和确定果实品质质量性状评判指标的基础上;提出了仁果类、核果类果树果品质量单指标评价数学模型和多指标综合评价数学模型.
- On the whole, the fruit quality of six transgenic Lycium barbarum L. has improved. 总体上来看,转基因枸杞株系的果实质量有所提高。
- The influence of different apple branch angles on fruit quality and the content of calcium was studied. 摘要研究了苹果树枝条不同拉枝角度对果实品质和钙含量的影响。
- Traditional Rhone Valley varieties with a new-worldesque ripe, jammy fruit quality. 此酒属传统罗纳谷品种风格,带有类似新世界风格的成熟水果品质。
- Foliar spray of Guofengling at late growth stage could improve the fruit quality of Shatian pomelo.4. 后期喷施果丰灵有提高沙田柚果实品质的效应。
- Abstract: Effect of oxalic acid treatment on postharvest diseases and fruit quality of muskmelons (cv. 摘要 :研究了草酸处理对“银帝”甜瓜采后病害及果实品质的影响。
- We prune and train to achieve and maintain a form of tree which is desirable for easy maintenance, high yields and good fruit quality. 通过修剪和整形,我们得以建成一个高产优质便于管理的理想树形。
- The adaptative characters,fruit quality and quantity properties of 6 muskmelon cultivars were tested under plastic tunnel cultivation. 对6个厚皮甜瓜品种在拱棚栽培条件下的适应性和产量、品质表现进行了比较研究。
- Abstract: Changes of the main indexes of fruit quality of the bagged Red Fuji Spur apple cultivar during storage were studied. 文摘:以不套袋果实为对照,研究了套袋短枝红富士贮藏期间主要品质指标的变化规律。
- Over the period of the trial there was no less yield or worse fruit quality attributed to the reuse of PUR,compared to traditional rockwool substrate. 相对于传统的岩棉基质,已使用多年的海棉基质对番茄产量和质量无不良影响。
- Abstract: The effects of strong acidic electrolyzed water sprays with different concentrations on tomatoyields and fruit quality were studied. 响,结果表明:电解水喷施可有效促进番茄植株生长发育;
- Abstract: The adaptative characters,fruit quality and quantity properties of 6 muskmelon cultivars were tested under plastic tunnel cultivation. 摘 要: 对6个厚皮甜瓜品种在拱棚栽培条件下的适应性和产量、品质表现进行了比较研究。
- Yang Z W, Zhou Y W, Fu Y, Yang M N, Zhao T S.Relationship between microclimatic character of different crown types and fruit quality of Fujj apple. 杨振伟;周延文;付友;杨每宁;赵同生.;富士苹果不同冠形微气候特征与果品质量关系的研究