- This paper discusses the fuel cycle process of PWR, HTGR and LMFBR, and the sensitivity analysis model of, the fuel cycle cost. 本文详细地分析了压水堆、高温气冷堆、快堆三种堆型核电厂的燃料循环过程,建立了燃料循环费用的计算模型和灵敏度分析模型。
- fuel cycle cost 燃料循环成本
- What is life cycle cost of a roof? 屋面寿命周期费用析疑?
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle of three HTGR fuels has been studied. 研究了高温气冷堆三种燃料(MO20,SB20,MO93)的核燃料循环。
- An advanced PWR/CANDU synergism fuel cycle using MOX fuel are proposed and studied. 提出了应用MOX燃料的PWR/CANDU联合燃料循环策略。
- The kinds of problems posed by the back end of the fuel cycle depend in part upon whether spent fuel is recycled. 燃料循环的最后部分提出的问题种类,部分地取决于废料是否再循环。
- T. and they feel that having control over the entire fuel cycle is very much with the bounds of the N.P. 他们觉得,控制能源供应的整个过程没有超出条约的范围。
- Life cycle cost of torpedo is affected by many factors. Effects are different for different factors. 鱼雷寿命周期费用受多种因素的影响,各因素对寿命周期费用的作用不同,有的作用大,有的作用小。
- In this paper,we introduce the conception of project life cycle cost management and basic theory of value engineer. 引入工程项目全生命周期费用管理的概念,介绍了价值工程的基本原理。
- Finally, the reprocessing that occurs in a closed fuel cycle produces plutonium that can be diverted for use in nuclear weapons. 最后,封闭式燃料循环中的再制作过程会产生钸,而钸可能会被用于核子武器。
- Maintenance plays a crucial role because of its impact on availability, reliability, quality and life cycle cost (LCC). 灰色模型可以针对某个系统趋势进行预测,而且用很少之历史数据即可达到精确的预测精确度。
- The fuel cycle model is one of the most important problem in the concept design of Thorium Advanced CANDU Reactor(TACR). 在钍基先进CANDU堆的概念设计中,钍燃料的循环利用方式是一重要问题。
- Solutions for total life cycle costs and product management. 全生命周期成本和产品管理解决方案。
- High neutron economy,on line refueling and a simple fuel bundle design result in unsurpassed fuel cycle flexibility and variety for CANDU reactors. 高中子经济性、不停堆换料以及简单的燃料棒束设计, 使得CANDU 堆具有非常优良的燃料循环灵活性和多样性。
- Life Cycle Assessment is not the same as Life Cycle Costing! 生命周期评价与生命周期成本计算不同!
- The nuclear energy program has been restarted in US,and the advanced nuclear fuel cycle initiative is the program core among others. 美国已重启核能计划,其中先进的核燃料循环计划是核能计划的核心。
- Nuclear energy. Fuel cycle technology. Waste. Soxhlet-mode chemical durability test. Application for vitrification process materials. 核能.;燃料循环技术
- The manufacturers and investors of subway vehicle now pay more attention to the life cycle cost (LCC) of their products. 摘要地铁车辆寿命周期成本费用正日益得到地铁车辆制造商和业主的重视。
- There is a relationship between LCC(Life Cycle Cost)and R(Reliability)in an electronic product or a complex electronic system. 一个电子产品或者一个复杂的电子设备系统,其寿命周期费用LCC(LifeCycleCost)与其可靠性R(reliability)之间存在着一定的相关性。
- The maintainability of airplane should be considered well at the early stage ofdesign to reduce the life cycle cost of the civil airplane system. 为了降低民用飞机系统的全寿命费用,在设计阶段必须充分考虑和重视维修性问题。