- The technology of power adjusting is one of the key technologies of fuel rod ramp test. 燃料棒功率瞬变调节技术是燃料元件堆内瞬态行为试验研究中的关键技术之一。
- Many nuclear reactor cores consist of radioactive fuel rods dunked in water. 许多核反应堆的核心部分就是由浸在水中的放射性燃料棒组成。
- Helium leak testing of nuclear fuel rod for PWR GB/T11813-1996压水堆燃料棒氦质谱检漏
- Equivalent Hydrogen Control of Fuel Rod 燃料棒当量氢控制
- nuclear fuel rod sheath leak detector 核燃料棒包壳泄漏探测器
- Research on Design Criteria for PWR Fuel Rod 压水堆燃料棒若干设计准则的研讨
- Models for fuel rod behaviour at high burnup 高燃耗燃料棒性能模型
- AFA 2G and AFA 3G Fuel Rod Performance Analysis AFA 3G与AFA 2G燃料棒性能分析
- The fuel rods then assembled in clusters to form the fuel assemblies for loading into the reactor core. 燃料棒集中后,会组合成为燃料组件,供放入反应堆堆芯使用。
- Here, the electon beam welding (EBW) method is tested for manufacturing fuel rods. 电子束焊是一种在高真空中进行的机械熔化焊方法,特别适用于燃料棒的焊接。
- The Japanese are building a major nuclear reprocessing center to reclaim plutonium from spent nuclear fuel rods. 日本人在建立一个核回收中心,以从废弃核燃料棒中获取重要的核武器原料----钚。
- The spokesman said that his nation had “reprocessed more than one-third of our spent nuclear fuel rods. 该发言人还说朝鲜已经“重新加工了超过三分之一的已使用过的核燃料棒”。
- Instead of pursuing inherent safety, the budding civilian nuclear industry followed Rickover into fuel rods. 当时处于萌芽期的民间核能发电业不愿追求反应堆本质上的安全性,反倒采用了李科佛使用燃料棒的构想。
- It is possible that departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) will occur on the fuel rods or the pellet will melt in the accident. 该事故中,燃料棒表面可能发生偏离泡核沸腾(departure from nucleate boiling,简称DNB),导致燃料元件包壳烧毁;
- I bought a new fishing rod last Sunday. 上星期日我新买了一个鱼竿。
- For solution of heat transfer equation in fuel rods, the implicit scheme of through counting in combination with method of running is used. 至于解决燃料棒的热传递方程式,则采用全程计算结合运行法的隐示(有限差分)法。
- The threat comes within days of Pyongyang saying it had begun reprocessing spent fuel rods at its Yongbyon nuclear plant. 这个威胁是在朝鲜宣布它已经在宁边的核设施内开始再处理使用过的乏燃料棒之后几天内发出的。
- The blue circle oxide films on fuel rods near the welded zone by electron beam (EB) welding were formed after corrosion tests. 燃料棒电子束焊接试样腐蚀后,在近环焊缝区会出现蓝色氧化膜环现象。
- The movable target on a leveling rod. 视准器水准尺上可移动的目标
- The rod bent as he pulled in the fish. 当他把鱼拉上来时,鱼竿都弯了。