- full disclosure method 充分显露方法
- An accounting standard that calls for the use of the same method of inventory pricing from year to year, with full disclosure of any change in method. 一贯性,是一项会计准则,它要求各年采用同样的存货计价方法,同时充分披露所使用方法的变动。
- Full disclosure would also help spot the people who are on the fiddle. 完全披露还能够帮助我们发现那些企图骗取钱财的人。
- Full disclosure of rates, prices, privacy policy, security issues, etc. 充分披露利率、价格政策隐私、安全问题等.
- Please check back in the future for a full disclosure of her Flash Mob machinations. 请为她的闪光乌合之众阴谋的完整的披露在未来回来。
- If the President was involved even indirectly, full disclosure would not be the course selected. 如果总统也牵连进去了,哪怕是间接的,那就不会采取透露全部实情的做法。
- I CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant document. . 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。
- CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the nece ity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。
- CERTIFY that l have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. 我证明我向宣誓人解释了将所有相关文件完全披露的必要性。
- I certify that I have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。
- CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant document.. 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。
- CERTIFY that I have explain to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明了提供所有相关文据的必要性。
- If you'll forgive the analogy, the ethics of full disclosure parallel the ethics of not paying kidnapping ransoms. 假如你能接受这样的类推,那麽全面揭露就等于在绑架案中拒付赎金;
- CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. 兹证实我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。
- By full disclosure I mean a woman may want to know she has breast cancer but not that it has spread to her lungs. 对于完全披露而言,我的理解是,一个妇女想知道她罹患乳腺癌但不想知道它已经扩散到她的肺部。
- Industry representatives argue that full disclosure of inerts would cause manufacturers severe competitive harm. 业界代表则辩驳,将非有效性物质完全公开,会使厂商在竞争中遭受严重伤害。
- Meanwhile, those who would be screaming down a megaphone for full disclosure if the problem banks were Argentine or Brazilian should apply the same discipline closer to home. 同时,那些每当阿根廷或巴西的银行一出现问题就聒噪个不停的家伙应该对本土银行一视同仁。
- "The impact is quite severe," Zalewski wrote, regarding the cookie problem, in a posting to the Full Disclosure mailing list on Wednesday. 微软的一位代表上周五在电子邮件声明中说,要取得成功,攻击者事先要让用户在一个社会工程网页上输入一个文件的位置。
- Next week's IAEA board meeting can help get Iran's attention by passing a resolution supporting the inspectors' demands for full disclosure. 下周举行的IAEA委员会议将通过决议全面支持观察员需求,希望该举动可以引起伊朗的关注;
- "I have to tell you I think there is a coming war between two forces," Tim May confides to me."One force wants full disclosure, an end to secret dealings. “我必须告诉你,我认为两股力量之间必将有一场战争”,蒂姆向我透露,“一股力量想要财务事项的充分公布,结束所有的秘密交易。