- The factory is now going full tilt. 这家工厂现在正全速发展。
- The car ran full tilt into a tree. 汽车猛地撞在树上。
- He drove full tilt intothe lamppost. 他车开得飞快,撞上了路灯柱。
- He was running at full tilt when he slipped and fell down. 他正全速奔跑时滑了一下,摔倒了。
- The young man ran full tilt into me. 那年轻人猛然向我撞来。
- He drove(at)full tilt into the lamppost. 他全速开车,撞到电线杆上。
- His car ran full tilt against the tree. 他的车以全速撞到了树上。
- He drove(at) full tilt into the lamppost. 他全速开车,撞到电线杆上。
- His car ran(at) full tilt against the tree. 他的车猛撞到树上。
- He run to the finish line at full tilt. 他奋力跑向终点线。
- The athlete rushed to the ending line at full tilt. 田径运动员全速冲向终点。
- The boat struck the bank full tilt. 小船一头撞到了岸边。
- We drove down the road at full tilt. 我们在路上疾驰。
- When they saw the shark,the bathers swam at full tilt to the shore. 游泳者看到鲨鱼时,便全速游向岸边。
- When they saw the shark, the bathers swam at full tilt to the shore. 游泳者看到鲨鱼时,便全速游向岸边。
- A tank moving at full tilt. 全速前进的坦克
- The students are really going full tilt at their studies now, the examinations are near. 学生们现在确实在刻苦学习,考期临近了。
- The students are really going full tilt at their studies now,the examination is near. 学生们现在确实在刻苦学习,考期临近了。
- Moreover, since nuclear plants are cheap to operate but expensive to mothball, they are often run at full tilt even when demand for power slackens. 此外,由于运营费用低廉但封存花费甚巨,即便在核能需求增长放缓之际,核电厂通常还是会全力运行。
- When we play happily, a child throwed the earthbags at full tilt .The earthbags broke a window into pieces. 正当我们玩的高兴的时候,一个小孩扔得过于用力,把一间房屋的窗户打碎了。