- Run on foot by mistake, the full set is all lost. 一步走错,满盘皆输。
- Full set of clean on Board Ocean Bills of Lading. 整套正本清洁提单。
- I need one full set of sheets in King-size. 我要特大号的一整套。
- Full set with box, unused, one year warranty. 全套配件连盒;未用过;一年保养.
- It's a dream for girls to get a full set of makeup stuff! 家里放一套完整的化妆品是很多女孩子的心愿哦!
- You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months. 几个月,你把上半身纹满了。
- Can set thread priority based on task semantic, such as below normal for a screen saver. 可以基于任务来设定优先权,例如用于屏幕存储器的线程应该低于一般水平。
- At 60 days after receipt of full set of documents at your counters. 规定付款日期为对方柜台收到单据后的60天,因此在填写汇票时只须写
- NET languages from C# to Perl.NET,and the full set of . NET是建立在一个开放的标准上的,它包含了几乎所有的编程语言。
- Full set negotiable clean on board ocean B/L in 3 copies. 全套可议付的洁净已装船海运提单一式三份。
- Able to handle full set of detail / design drawings. 能处理全套详细绘图或设计图。
- This course features a full set of assignments and an extensive reading list. 本课程的特色在于一系列的作业以及一份内容广泛的阅读清单。
- I have received your full set catalogue. I am very interested in your products. 我已收到贵公司所提供的整份目录。我对贵公司的产品非常感兴趣。
- One full set of service and operation manual shall be enclosed in each case. 包装箱内应附有完整的维修保养、操作使用说明书。
- The rental clubs cost 8 dollars for a full set and rental shoes are 2 dollars. 租用全套球杆要8美元,租鞋子2美元。
- B: Origin full set of clean on board ocean bill of lading made out to order . 注明合同号的以签章的商业发票一式三份。
- Founded in 2005 mainly produces a full set of papermaking equipment. 公司成立于2005年主要生产全套造纸设备。
- Ready am I to go, and my eagerness with sails full set awaits the wind. 我已准备启程,我张满了帆,满腔热切,等待风起。
- This course features a set of readings, as well as a full set of assignments. 本课程包含一系列的相关阅读资料和完整的作业集。
- A full set of E-learning materials, with voice and graphics on outplacement. 全套关于再就业的电子学习材料含声音和图片。