- fully mature no dules 完全成熟的根瘤
- Befitting or characteristic of a fully mature woman. 适合或具有年长妇女的特征的。
- When Lenin went abroad at the age of thirty, he was already fully mature. 列宁在三十岁出国时,各方面都已成熟。
- Although, some will continue to show more leg than depth as fully mature adults. 当然,也还是有一些成年狗的腿会略长于身高。
- When these are fully mature they contain a substance called solanine which can be very dangerous to the human anatomy. 当这些都长成时他们含有一种叫龙葵碱的物质,龙葵碱对人体组织极为有害。
- Mithraism arrived fully mature at Rome with the return of the legions from the east in the first century BC. 密特拉教通过罗马军团在公元前一世纪从东部回归,在罗马充分地成熟。
- Indoor aluminum alloy, Choi windows closed all the feelings you fully mature communities style. 户内铝合金,彩窗全封闭,令您充分感受成熟社区的风采。
- The fully mature have a brain-body weight ratio well within the limits of a young teen-ager. 完全发展成熟的脑-身体重量比例正好在青少年的范围内。
- However, these organs is still in the developmental stages, are not fully mature. 但是这些器官还处于发育阶段,都没有充分发育成熟。
- The utricle and crista ampullaris develop earlier than the saccule.The vestibular sensory organ become fully mature at birth. 椭圆囊、壶腹嵴的发生较早,随后才形成球囊,到出生时前庭感觉器官已基本发育成熟。
- Acipenser sinensis fully mature, and then moved to the area of shallow water into the estuary, where fattening, habitats. 中华鲟完全成熟后,再迁移到我国浅海地区进入河口,在那里肥育、栖息。
- The food tastes great just because there are marked differences between the befuddled and richly varied, most dishes are fully mature in consumption. 口味的区别中餐菜肴大都有明显的咸味,并富于变化,多数菜肴都是完全成熟后在食用。
- Eye color fully matures in infancy and remains the same for life. 眼睛颜色在人幼年时期已经形成,且基本上终生不变。
- Studies indicate that spaying female dogs before they fully mature may significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.This also eliminates the chance of uterine infections. 研究表明对母狗在性成熟前进行绝育手术将大大减少其乳腺癌的患病几率,同时也减少子宫的一些其他感染;
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- By the time of the Ming Dynasty, the technique of firing underglaze blue porcelain had fully matured. 明代烧造青花瓷的工艺已臻造极。
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。
- It is only necessary to etch a GIC with acid if the restoration has been in place for some time and has fully matured. 三明治技术有很多优点,可以应用于充填过程,但是不适用于改善修复效果不理想的玻璃离子修复体外观。
- Chambourcin - A late ripening grape that may produce a highly rate red wine when the fruit fully matures. 阿晚熟葡萄,可能产生一个高度率红葡萄酒时,水果完全成熟。
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。