- KZP-G automatic spraying system used in fully mechanized workface KZP-G型自动喷雾降尘系统在综采面的应用
- fully mechanized workface 大倾角
- gob of fully mechanized top-coal workface 综放采空区
- Through this way is known:superlong fulling mechanized workface is better than common in economic benefit.So it is a wa... 通过类比的方法,分析了超长综放面在经济效益上优于普通综放面,提出了提高矿井综合效益的方法。
- It is key problem to raise the top coal recovery rate of the fully mechanized sublevel caving mining. 提高顶煤放出率是综放开采的一个重大课题,预注水弱化顶煤是解决这一问题的有效方法之一。
- Finally, the paper considers that the fully mechanized coal caving mining is helpful to control outburst hazard. 认为:具突出危险性的厚煤层采用综采放顶煤开采法对消突是有积极作用的.
- Characteristic of spontaneous combustion in the gob of fully mechanized top-coal carving face is special. 综放面采空区的自然发火规律有其自身的特殊性。
- A fast-withdraw technology and relative safety processes of fully mechanized caving face in steeply-inclined coal seam are introduced. 介绍了急倾斜特厚煤层综放工作面回撤工艺及相关安全技术措施。
- This paper introduces the methods and measures of the adjustment of support tilt caused by ultrahigh mining in fully mechanized coal face. 本文介绍了综采工作面回采超高时倾斜歪倒支架调整的方法及措施。
- This technique has been used successfully in the air-return gate oJ" 1310 fully mechanized roof coal caving face in Zhangcun Coal Mine. 该项研究在漳村1310综放面回风巷的工程实践中得到了成功应用和检验。
- This article introduced applications,observation and research's actuality and developing trend of fully mechanized top coal caving mining under water. 介绍放顶煤开采技术在水体下采煤领域中的应用情况、观测研究现状及其发展趋势。
- The law of top coal movement on a fully mechanized longwall face with top coal caving wasanalysed thoroughly on the basis of field observation andfinite element calculation. 本文根据现场观测、数值计算以及理论分析,详细阐述了放顶煤采场的顶煤变形运动规律,指出了顶煤变形运动可划分成四个区:顶煤变形区,压裂区,松动区和放落区。
- By the relative theory analysis and local practice,the design of the fully mechanized face with water-affusion into coal and spraying dustproof are compositively reformed. 通过相关理论分析和现场试验,对综放工作面煤体注水设计和喷雾降尘设计进行综合改造。
- We carried similar material imitation with up-dip mining method experiment,with it we studied the cover rock movement and breach laws in incline fully mechanized coal face. 本课题在实验室做了“仰斜开采覆岩结构破坏规律相似材料模拟”试验,通过试验研究了倾斜综放采场覆岩移动破坏规律。
- By improving the fully mechanized light caving technology,carrying out in the 1426D working face light caving practice,achieving the goal of safe production. 通过改进综采轻放工艺,在1426D工作面进行综采轻放开采实践,实现了安全生产目标。
- The floor undulation reason and law of the slicing fully mechanized faces is emphatically analyzed, and the effective methods of controlling the floor undulation is worked out . 本文着重分析了分层综采工作面底板起伏变化的机理及规律,并提出了有效控制分层综采中工作面底板起伏变化程度的方法。
- In early application of fully mechanized top coal mining,Spontaneous fire took place when the backout of fully mechanized top coal caving face was stopped mining. 在应用综放开采的初期,每当综放工作面停采回撤时,就会发生自燃发火。
- During the preparative and mining process of fully mechanized coal mining face, meeting small fold is a premonitor that there may be concealed fault around the face. 在综采工作面的准备和回采过程中,小褶曲是可能存在隐伏断层的征兆。
- This paper analyses the reasons for the gob fire of the face with fully mechanized mining caving method in free burning seam and gives the gob fire eradication means. 分析了王营矿极易自燃煤层综放工作面采空区自燃发火的原因,提出了防治措施。
- Kang T H, Jin Z M.Laws of Coal-Rock Movement and the Technical Parameters on the Fully Mechanized Sub-Level Caving Face of the Gently Inclined Seam [J]. the Ming Engineer, 1995. 康天合;宋选民.;煤层条件对顶煤可放性的影响研究[J]