- Our meeting fractionation becomes two websites, withhold current Bo Kexiu to do BSP, perfect functional program again. 我们会拆分成两个网站,保留现在的博客秀做BSP,把功能程序再完善。
- You must adjust the server business function program and its parameters so each run can do part of the job. 您必须对服务器上的业务功能程序及其参数进行调整,使之能够在每次运行的时候处理作业中的一部分工作。
- The dissertation develops the monitoring and controlling progr-am and key function program. 7.设计并调试了监控程序和功能程序。
- In the paper,we use the response function program developed by Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research,University of Arizona,USE. 本文利用由美国亚利桑那大学年轮实验室研制的响应函数计算程序,对干旱的天山东端的13个树轮年表,计算了其响应函数。
- Spyware intrudes secretly computer system by attaching to the function program,steals privacy information of users,and does harm to information security of users as well. 间谍软件依附在功能程序中隐蔽地入侵计算机系统,窃取用户隐私信息、危害用户信息安全。
- Spyware intrudes secretly computer system by attaching to the function program, steals privacy information of users, and does harm to information security of users as well. 摘要间谍软件依附在功能程序中隐蔽地入侵计算机系统,窃取用户隐私信息、危害用户信息安全。
- For software, basic function program of the data recorder and its management system with user-friendly interface are designed on the basis of serial port communication protocol. 软件方面在所设计的串行口通讯协议的基础上,设计完成了数据记录仪基本功能的程序,以及具有友好人机界面的记录仪管理系统。
- When you do learn object , you will have the base of C functional programming to go by. 当你真正的去学习一门面向对象语言时,就会有C语言的函数学习基础去对比。
- The main idea of the articte is to introdnce the "Several function program by MBASIC language of finite element method for bending of thin plate" the writer desing dnd realization himself,lastly discuss practical signilicance of the program by example. 本文旨在介绍作者自行设计和实现的“薄板弯曲有限元法“MBASIC”语言多功能通用源程序”。 并通过算例指出该程序的实用意义。
- Functional programming concepts are a feature of many dynamic languages, and also derive from Lisp. 功能编程概念的一个特点是许多动态语言,也源自Lisp语言。
- Be Dynamic - know at least one functional programming language such as Rails, Python, LINQ. LINQ三者至少要学一个。....我三个都不精通
- Parsia makes the argument that functional programming styles are generally better suited to XML manipulation than are more familiar OOP techniques. Parsia在文中提到,通常,与OOP技术具有很多相似性相比,函数性编程风格更适合于处理XML。
- As in the previous sections, I ll use a simple example to demonstrate the functional programming approach to a familiar problem. 在后面几节中,我将使用一个简单的例子展示对一个类似问题的函数编程方式。
- While anonymous methods provide much of the expressive power of functional programming languages, the anonymous method syntax is rather verbose and imperative in nature. 当匿名方法提供了大量函数式编程语言(或泛函编程)(functionalprogramming)的表达力时,实质上,匿名方法的语法是相当烦琐和带有强制性的。
- It should reduce unnecessary diversity in functional programming languages. More specifically, we initially agreed to base it on an existing language, namely OL. 它应当减少函数式程序语言的不必要的多样性。更明确的说,我们初步同意把它置于一个已经存在的语言之上,也即OL。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- mathematic(al) function program(me) 数学函数程序
- Since this type of development is inherent to the functional programming paradigm, it seems natural to use functional programming techniques when developing modular code on the Java platform. 由于这种类型的开发继承了函数编程范型,在Java平台上开发模块化代码时使用函数编程技术应是很自然的事。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。
- Without understanding functional programming, you can't invent MapReduce, the algorithm that makes Google so massively scalable.The terms Map and Reduce come from Lisp and functional programming. 我准备要再罗嗦一下,我认为最有生产力的编程语言莫过于能让你在不同层次上都可以进行抽象化的。