- It has shown that emulsion polymerization can be used to prepare in-situ hydrolysis and stably dispersed polyacrylate nano silica compound emulsion. 试验结果表明,采用乳液聚合可以制得原位水解并稳定分散的聚丙烯酸酯/米二氧化硅复合乳液。
- Nano silica with different specific surface area was used to prepare the lubrication grease with NBR silicon oil as base oil and silanol modifier. 以NBR硅油为基础油、硅醇为改性剂,选用不同比表面积的纳米二氧化硅制备润滑脂。
- Hybrid polymer latexes of nano silica and polyacrylates were prepared through miniemulsion polymerization of silica-sol with acrylic monomers. 采用硅溶胶和丙烯酸酯单体通过细乳液聚合制备纳米二氧化硅/丙烯酸酯复合高分子乳液。
- The TEM shows lots of nano silica particles circumfuse on the surface of the micro Fe particles after the micro Fe coated by silica. 随着TEOS的投料的增加,材料饱和磁化强度呈下降趋势,微米粒子磁化曲线通过原点,表面包裹后,剩磁与矫顽力变化很小对于微米铁粉,其磁畴变化较快,没有剩磁与矫顽力。
- HTV silicone rubbers filled with three types of fumed nano silica were also prepared for comparison with HTV silicone rubber reinforced by hydrophobic nano silica sol. 另制备3种由不同型号气相纳米二氧化硅补强的HTV硅橡胶,与疏水纳米二氧化硅溶胶补强的HTV硅橡胶进行机械力学性能对比。
- The preparation, research means and functional property of the functional nano compound coating were introduced. 介绍了纳米功能复合涂层的制备方法、研究手段及功能特性。
- Study on nano silica modifying epoxy resins for high-voltage insulation 可分散性纳米二氧化硅改性高压绝缘用环氧树脂的研究
- Application and Research of Hydrophobic Nano Silica Sol in High-temperature Vulcanized Silicone Rubber 疏水纳米二氧化硅溶胶在高温硫化硅橡胶中的应用
- In-Situ Sol-Gel Preparation of Nano Silica Porous Layer Capil-lary Columns and Their Applications in Gas Chromatography 纳米硅胶多孔层毛细管气相色谱柱的原位溶胶-凝胶法制备及其应用
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。
- What is his function on the committee? 他在委员会里担任什么职务?
- The sofa can also function as a bed. 这沙发也可以当床。
- Some English adverbs function as adjectives. 英语中有些副词可作形容词用。
- The heart performs a vital bodily function. 心脏起著维持生命的重要作用。
- Study on fixing the functional nano particles in PET amorphous region 功能纳米粒子在PET非晶区永久固着的研究
- nano silica white 纳米SiO2
- A maximum or minimum value of a function. 极大值,极小值函数的最大值或最小值
- A style that weds form and function. 把形式与作用紧密结合的风格
- Having meaning, function, or purpose. 有意思的,有意图的,有目的的