- fund collecting decision 筹资决策
- They persistently stuck him with fund collection. 他们坚持把筹划基金的工作交给他做。
- If users have not paid all payment for goods , accept the goods in fact according to manufacturers the fund collect the commission pro rata. 如用户没支付全部货款,则根据制造商实收货款按比例收取佣金。
- The committee persistently stuck him with fund collection. 委员会老是派他去做收款的苦差事。
- A novelty of the test is to link collective decision with relative factor scarcities. 这一检验的新颖之处在于,它将集体决策与要素的相对稀缺性相联系。
- fund collecting for transportation project 交通运输项目融资
- Exalt the quality of the real estate enterprises financial capital to multiply the funds collecting channels. 提高房地产开发企业金融资产质量,融资渠道多元化发展。
- The system of collective decision making can become efficient only when it is legitimated, i.e. it represents the interests of a wide range of participants. 集体决策系统只有在合法时才能够有效率,合法也即指它代表广泛参与者的利益。
- It is reported that on the 15th night in a row for a few days of tense competition, where teams Gaddi na mo collective decision of all the team members go out to dinner. 据报道,15日夜晚,在一连数日紧张的比赛之后,里加迪纳莫队全体队员决定集体外出就餐。
- According to the news on 10 June, 2009, the Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region Government lunched an executive meeting todiscuss the issue of coal price adjustment fund collection. 09年6月10日新闻,内蒙古自治区政府会议讨论将对在自治区内生产的煤炭企业征收价格调节基金。
- A strategy is developed to empirically test the rational model against the political model of collective decision in the context of land tenure choice in rural China. 摘要本文以中国农村为背景,试图发展一种可以检验集体决策过程是理性模型还是政治模型的方法。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- There are several dialectical unities during the examination such as the unity between seriousness and flexibility, the unity between individual review and collective decision, the unity between author and reviewer and so on. 应具体处理好以下几种辩证关系:审稿的严肃性与灵活性的统一关系;集体定稿与个人审稿的统一关系;作者与审者的统一关系。
- It is reported that this fund collects the period obtained investor's high attention, the subscriber very enthusiastically, the release scale surpasses same time the market release average scale. 据悉,该基金募集期间得到了投资者的高度关注,认购十分踊跃,发行规模超过同期市场发行的平均规模。
- How long has Jim gone in for collecting stamps? 吉姆爱好集邮有多长时间?
- We are collecting money for children in need. 我们在为贫困儿童募捐。
- Before imposing a heavier administrative penalty for an illegal act which is of a complicated or grave nature, the leading members of an administrative organ shall make a collective decision through discussion. 对情节复杂或者重大违法行为给予较重的行政处罚,行政机关的负责人应当集体讨论决定。
- We are collecting money for the famine victim. 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。