- The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state. 宪法是国家的根本法。
- This fundamental law is only suitable for Hunan province. 这项基本法只适用于湖南地区。
- The law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe. 对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律。
- Forest resources difference (FRD) is a fundamental law of sustainable forest resources management (SFRM). 森林资源差异性是森林资源及其管理的一个基本规律。
- The main criterion in the application of this method is our present fundamental law--the Common Programme. 采取这种方法时所用的标准,主要是我们现时的根本大法即《共同纲领》。
- One of the world's oldest national constitutions, it became the fundamental law of the land on March 4, 1789. 合众国宪法是世界上最古老的国家宪法之一,1789年3月4日正式成为美国的基本大法。
- I will not, however, deviate from the course laid down for me by the fundamental law of Venezuela and by my own conscience. 但我决不会背离委内瑞拉的根本大法和我自己的良心为我所规定的路线行事。
- National monocracy is one of the fundamental laws in China. 民族法治是我国依法治国的基本内容。
- Have 3 fundamental law about Internet: Rub law of Er law, auspicious Er heart and law of Mitre card Er. 关于互联网有三条重要的定律:摩尔定律、吉尔德定律和迈特卡尔定律。
- FUNDAMENTAL law of physics says that nothing can go faster than light, which zips along at around 300m metres a second. 物理学的一个基本法则讲道,任何物质的速度都比不上光速,它一秒钟可以飞速行驶三亿公尺。
- The law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge. 对立统一规律是辩证法的实质,在唯物辩证法的理论体系中占有核心地位。
- Perpetuity is implied, if not expressed, in the fundamental law of all national governments. 在所有国家政府的基本大法中,对于永久性一事即使没有明文规定,也是不言而喻的。
- The theory I propound is related to the nature of the universe;it is the fundamental Law of Buddha. 我所讲出来的道理是宇宙特性,是佛法的根本。"
- He who has eyes but fails to see this fundamental law cannot direct China's revolutionary war,cannot lead the Red Army to victories. 谁要是睁眼看不见这些根本性质的规律,谁就不能指导中国的革命战争,谁就不能使红军打胜仗。
- Secondly, the fundamental law is that the public procurator argues to tell the comparison trading cutting amounts right. 其次,对两大法系检察官辩诉交易裁量权的比较。
- If that‘s your strategy, next time you must obey the fundamental law of political organisations: one mentor is not enough. 假如这就是你的策略,那么,下一次你必须遵守政治组织的基本法则:一个辅导人是不够的。
- It was the judicial authority to enforce, but not to expound, fundamental law and was limited to the concededly unconstitutional act. 司法机关是执行而不是解释基本法,管辖所及也仅限于毫无疑问的违宪行为。
- If I intervened between your thoughts and their results, I would be tampering with a basic law of cause and effect; the most fundamental law there is. 如果我干预你的想法及其后果,我便干预的基本因果律,亦即最基本的自然法则。
- He who has eyes but fails to see this fundamental law cannot direct China's revolutionary war, cannot lead the Red Army to victories. 谁要是睁眼看不见这些根本性质的规律,谁就不能指导中国的革命战争,谁就不能使红军打胜仗。
- Stocks are like electrons, atoms and molecules, which hold persistently to their own individuality in response to the fundamental law of vibration. 确定市场趋势的能力来自于我对每个股票特性的了解以及对某类股票恰当的波动率的把握。