- furnace temperature decision 炉温决策
- The Applied study of Control Method of Heating Furnace Temperature P. 航天科技集团加热炉的温度控制方法。
- To have convection heating device, furnace temperature is more uniform at low temperature state. 配置对流加热装置,低温状态下炉温更加均匀。
- As a n ew heating element for high temperature electric furnace, it can be used up to1900℃ with the furnace temperature of1800℃. 铬酸镧加热元件可用到1900℃,炉温可达1800℃是一种新型的高温电炉用加热元件。
- The method of automatic controlling furnace temperature of RE electrolytic furnace with piece microcomputer control technology is presented. 介绍了采用单片微机控制技术,实现熔盐电解炉炉温自动控制的方法。
- The text discusses variety domination principle and control means depends on the furnace temperature and variety agential. 本文从退火炉温度和各种介质的控制出发,讨论分析了各种控制原理和控制方法。
- Above the reburning nozzle, the furnace temperature after with conventional pulverized-coal reburning is the same to that without it. 再燃喷口以上区域炉膛温度改造前后基本不变。
- Control of fuel and air feeding flow was achieved through control of on/off time of each burner, then aim of furnace temperature control was realized. 通过控制每个烧嘴的开关时间,达到控制燃料和空气给进量从而控制炉温的目的。
- The furnace temperature control and the after-burning control widely-used for continuous annealer in late years are mainly described. 主要介绍了炉温控制和近年来在连续退火炉中广泛应用的二次燃烧控制。
- The amount of energy that a is capable of converting from electrical to heat energy depends on the ambient furnace temperature and atmosphere in which it is operating. 熔炉内电能转化为热能的能量数主要依赖于硅碳棒载炉内的控制温度和气体环境。
- Relationship of sulfur retention phase and its content with the radial location, the additives, and the furnace temperature was investigated using X ray diffraction analyzer. 采用 X-射线衍射分析仪研究了型煤灰球中固硫物相种类及相对含量与型煤径向位置、添加剂种类及炉温的关系 .
- With the example of the LPE furnace temperature control system, this paper presents theapplication of the Century Star configuration software in an industrial control system. 以大直径LPE炉温度控制系统为例,介绍了世纪星组态软件在工业控制系统中的应用。
- By using and practice, it is proved that the deign is reasonable, the manufacturing is good, the controlling is precision and the uniformity of furnace temperature is very well. 介绍一种新型铝材时效炉的特点和实用性,通过运用和实践证明,该设备设计合理、制作优良、控制精确、炉温均匀性高。
- B&W's unique IR-CFB boiler design employs a patented two-stage particle separation system to provide high-solids loading and a uniform furnace temperature profile. 独特的IR-CFB锅炉设计采用获得专利的两级颗粒分离系统从而具备高固体份装载和均衡的炉膛温度。
- The drainage can be successfully done through controlling furnace temperature , fixing drainage point , placing water quencher , setting water pressure and flow rate . 通过合理控制窑温,适当设置放水位置和合理控制水淬器、水压、流量等工艺参数,使放水得以顺利实施,可供其他厂借鉴。
- In view of the furnace of JiNan Iron Steel Works,this paper develops a composite fuzzy controller,aiming to optimize the furnace temperature control of reheating furnace. 本文针对济钢集团的加热炉设计了一种复合模糊控制器,目的是实现加热炉的炉温自动控制。
- Construction, special function, furnace temperature uniformity and tentative application of PNHP miero -pulse ionitriding furnace have all been intreduced in this article. 本文介绍PNHP型微脉冲等离子渗氮炉的结构及其特殊的功能,炉温均匀性及初步应用情况。
- The drainage can be successfully done through controlling furnace temperature, fixing drainage point, placing water quencher , setting water pressure and flow rate. 通过合理控制窑温,适当设置放水位置和合理控制水淬器、压、量等工艺参数,使放水得以顺利实施,可供其他厂借鉴。
- The amount of energy that an element is capable of converting from electrical to heat energy depends on the ambient furnace temperature and atmosphere in which the element is operating. 主要依赖于周围的环境和熔炉温度使大部分能量主要由点能转化为热能。
- A new algorithm of direct identifying continuous model based on step response data is presented. The algorithm is used in modeling of predictive control to realize the model identification and DMC control simulation of furnace temperature control system. 介绍一种新的基于阶跃响应数据直接辨识连续模型的算法,并将该算法用于预测控制的建模,实现对电加热炉温度控制系统的模型辨识和 DMC 控制仿真。