- No further comment will be made. 他们不会再就此事发表任何意见。”
- They declined further comment the proposal. 他们不肯对这建议作出更多的评论。
- A further comment on the myth of globalization By: Rugman, Alan M. 再论全球一体化神话。
- In the seminar, Triche refused to further comment on the euro exchange rate. 在研讨会上,特里谢拒绝就欧元的汇率问题进一步发表评论。
- Lawyers advise McLaren to make no further comment ahead of the WMSC hearing. 律师随即建议在协会的听证会之前,迈凯伦整个车队最好保持沉默。
- Calls seeking further comment from publicists Meredith O' Sullivan and Rob Shuter were not immediately returned early Thursday. 双方发言人周四早晨没有回电记者发表更多评论。
- He made no further comments on the i ue. 他并没有进一步评论这个问题。
- If any further comment on the issue is required, please don't hesitate to write to me. 如果需要对这个问题做进一步评论,请不吝赐函。
- Through SFX Basketball, the agency that represents Bryant, Bryant declined further comment. 通过SFX篮球的说明,科比拒绝进一步评论。
- Yang later told The Associated Press that she had misspoken, but declined further comment. 之后她又对美联社说那只是一个口误,并拒绝解释。
- For the Guardian to cite him as an expert on Einstein without further comment is tendentious and misleading. 对于卫报来说,不加深究就把他奉为研究爱因斯坦的专家是具有偏见的,让人误入歧途的。
- Chelsea statement issued said: The story is nonsense and we will not dignify it with any further comment. 一份切尔西的声明说:“这个故事是无稽之谈,我们将不再对它发表评论。”
- Its history dates back as far as the Gauls and its international reputation has certainly no need of further comment. 追溯历史,早在高卢时期,当地葡萄酒的美名就已经享誉天下。
- Yang later told The Associated Press that she had misspoken but declined further comment. 之后她又对美联社说那只是一个口误,并拒绝解释。
- But because an investigation was under way, "and the sensitivities around it", the company declined further comment. 不过由于调查正在进行,"有关此事很敏感",该公司拒绝发表更多评论。
- Stepan Solzhenitsyn said his father had died of heart failure at his home, but declined further comment. 斯特潘还说,他的父亲在寓所中死于心脏病,但拒绝进一步透露细节。
- So, without further comment, here is better way to handle explicit way to handle conditional updates and do existential checks in general. 因此,如果没有更多注释,这里有一种更好的方法,可用这种方法来处理通常用来处理条件更新和执行存在检查的显式方式。
- All parties involved have discussed these issues and endorsed this statement. There will be no further comment from anyone. 所有相关人员都参与了这些问题的讨论而且认可了该声明,今后将不会有任何人对此事件再做评论。
- Wale reiterated the U.S. automaker's interest in raising its stake in the venture but made no further comment on the issue. 韦尔重申美国汽车生产商有意提高该项目的股份份额,但未作进一步阐述。
- "There is a crash, there is a crash in the sea," said an unnamed official who answered the phone in the Yemenia office in Moroni. He declined further comment. 一位不愿具名的也门航空官员在摩罗尼回答电话采访时说:“有一架飞机失事,飞机坠入到海里。”但他拒绝对此事发表评论。