- Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature. 铅会在相当低的温度下熔化。
- It seems that you've blown a fuse. 看样子你把保险丝烧断了。
- Changing a fuse is one of those fiddly jobs I hate. 我最不愿意干换保险丝这类活儿了。
- Each of the components is useful in its degree. 每一个元件都各有程度不同的用处。
- Don't irritate her, she's on a short fuse today. 别惹她,她今天动不动就发火。
- A short circuit will blow the fuse. 短路会烧断保险丝的。
- We fuse copper and tin to make bronze. 我们把铜和锡熔制成青铜。
- Criticism is not lost on you to some degree. 在某种程度上,批评对你起了作用。
- He struck a match and ignited the fuse. 他划了根火柴,点著了导火索。
- An honorary degree was conferred on Mr.Jones. 琼斯先生被授予一个荣誉学位。
- They cannot be trusted in the slightest degree. 对他们一点也不能相信。
- He's methodical to the nth degree. 他做事有条不紊算是到家了。
- He is famous for his nasty temper.He has a very short fuse. 他脾气坏是出了名的。他很容易激动。
- It is difference in kind, not merely in degree. 此乃本质之不同,并非仅仅是程度差异。
- She shows a high degree of skill in her work. 她在工作中表现出高度的技巧。
- He has a degree in world history. 他具有世界历史的学位。
- He have a master's degree in business science. 他获得了商业学硕士学位。
- To do this job, you must have a degree in English. 从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。
- He went down without taking a degree. 他没获得学位就离开了大学。
- I know how to mend a fuse and I don't need you shoving your oar in! 我知道怎麽弄保险丝,用不著你管!