- fuzzy dynamic system 模糊动态系统
- Every dynamic system needs continuous readjustment. 每一动态系统都需要不断地再调整。
- Because the flexible arm is a nonlinear and strong coupling dynamic system, the method of fuzzy self-tuning PID controller is proposed. 针对研究对象强非线性和强耦合性的特点,提出了一种具有自适应特点的PID参数模糊自调整控制方案。
- In view of modeling problems of nonlinear and dynamic system, a self organizing fuzzy identification algorithm(SOFIA) is presented based on T S model in this paper. 针对复杂非线性动态系统的模糊建模问题 ,基于 T- S模型提出一种自组织模糊辨识算法。
- Using the concept of CDF(compensation and division for fuzzy model)and the approach of linear matrix inequality, a new kind of fuzzy controller and the stability analysis of closed-loop T-S fuzzy system is got based on the T-S fuzzy dynamic model. 基于T-S模糊动态模型,采用模糊模型相除补偿(CDF)技术和线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法,设计了一种新型模糊控制器,并进行了稳定性分析。
- This is a coupled nonparabolic dissipative dynamic system. 这是一个耦合的非抛物耗散动力系统。
- H.-T. Yang and K.-Y. Huang, “Direct load control using fuzzy dynamic programming”, IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 3, May 1999. 张明吉,“冷气机之节约电力需量控制法则”,电机月刊,第九卷,第七期,页244-249,七月,1999。
- It's a probability adjustment describing a dynamic system wi hidden states. 这是针对有隐藏因素的动态系统的 概率校正
- Computer art generated from dynamical system. 动力系统产生的计算机图形艺术。
- H.-T.Yang and K.-Y.Huang, “Direct load control using fuzzy dynamic programming”, IEEE Proc.-Gener.Transm.Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 3, May 1999. 杨正光,陈嘉裕,“直接控制负载管理策略应用”,台电工程月刊,第584期,页82-96,民国86年4月。
- AI aircraft use the same flight dynamic system as player-controlled aircraft. 人工智能飞机与玩家飞机使用相同的动力学模型系统。
- This paper provides a multistage multi-object fuzzy dynamic decision-making model, which can be used in the assignment of the antimissile resource effectively. 应用多阶段多目标模糊动态决策模原理于反导资源分配方案的选优。
- A new method to evaluate HRV was presented based on dynamic system models. 本文提出了一种基于动态系统模型以研究心率变异性的新方法。
- A novel control scheme is proposed based on fuzzy performance evaluator (FPE) for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems described with fuzzy dynamic model. 针对一类用模糊动态模型描述的非线性时滞系统,提出一种基于模糊性能评估器的新型鲁棒控制方案。
- Since RNN inducts feedback, it is a nonlinear dynamical system. 由于递归神经网络引入反馈,所以它是一个非线性动力学系统。
- A fuzzy dynamic sliding mode control (fuzzy DSMC) method was developed to reduce slip ratio oscillations in independent all wheel drive(AWD) electric vehicles(EV) with slip ratio control. 针对全轮独立电驱动车辆滑转率控制中的振荡问题,提出了一种基于模糊动态滑模(DSMC)理论的控制方法。
- Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems ? 连续统理论与动力系统
- A fuzzy pattern recognition study on the quality of Panax quinquefolius L. was carried out by fuzzy dynamic state collect classifying analysis. 14 samples collected from different regiones of U. 运用模糊动态聚类分析法对来源于美国、加拿大及我国的共14种不同产地的西洋参样品质量进行了模糊识别研究。
- In the first section, we introduce some notions and known results about topo-logical dynamic system. 在第一节中,我们介绍有关拓扑动力系统的一些基本概念和已知结果。
- This paper presents a sufficient condition for the asymptotic stability and geometry-velocity stability of the time-varying discrete dynamic system. 摘要对时变离散动态系统给出了判断其渐近稳定和几何速度稳定的充分条件。