- fuzzy reliability model 模糊可靠度
- According to the nature of performance deterioration of storage material, the model of fuzzy reliability is given based on fuzzy testability factor. 利用装备在贮存中性能退化的性质,建立考虑模糊刚试效率的模糊可靠度预计模型;
- By simplifying the A-shaped derrick as a detendnatestmctUre, the fuzzy reliability of the struclure is caIculated by using a series-to-parallel system model. 在求得井架各杆强度普通可靠度的基础上,将整个A形井架简化为一静定结构,采用混联系统模型计算其结构模糊可靠度。
- Multistate reliability model and quality loss analysis. 多阶段可靠性模型和质量损失分析。
- It makes some new exploratory for the fuzzy reliability design of shaft parts. 对大功率轴类零件的可靠性设计做了一些新的探讨。
- Using some theories of material fatigue destruction, it discusses the strength decline in fatigue-strength fuzzy reliability designfor machine parts, gives a calculating model and an example. 以模糊数学为基础,应用材料疲劳损伤累积理论,讨论机械零件疲劳强度模糊可靠性设计中的强度衰减问题,并给出了估算公式,进行了实例计算。
- Multi-objective fuzzy reliability optimum design of wheel-side reducer for loader. 关键词:装载机,轮边减速器,模糊可靠性,优化。
- The sealing fuzzy reliability of a flanged system is investigated under the ideal case. 文中对理想情况下法兰的密封模糊可靠度进行了较为详细的研究。
- The research concerns in the reliability model of Chinese nuclear power plant operators. 本工作涉及中国核电厂操纵员可靠性研究的认知模型。
- Analysis of fuzzy reliability based on cloud models in aircraft navigation system is expatiated in this paper. 阐述基于云模型理论的飞行器导航系统模糊可靠性评测分析。
- First naval ordnance reliability model are made according to the function structure of naval ordnance. 本文首先根据舰炮的结构,建立了舰炮系统的功能框图,进而得出可靠性模型。
- By analyzing the symmetry of SG-III, we establish the system reliability model and provide methods to calculate it. 分析了装置结构的对称性,并利用其对称性建立了系统可靠性模型,给出了系统可靠性的计算方法。
- The plan carrying on the fuzzy reliability optimization designto the spur gear drive will be more economical, reasonable and suitable. 对直齿圆柱齿轮传动进行模糊可靠性优化设计,设计出的方案更经济、合理、适用。
- The fuzzy reliability design is a kind of modern design method; it combines the fuzzy designtheory with design theory of reliability. 模糊可靠性设计是将模糊设计理论与可靠性设计理论相结合的一种现代设计方法。
- The random-fuzzy reliability model was built by taking the bar length, interception parameters as random variables and taking the fuzziness of safety state into consideration. 摘要将弹性连杆机构的杆长、截面尺寸均视为随机变量,并考虑机构安全的极限状态的模糊性,建立了弹性连杆机构广义刚度可靠性分析模型。
- Mechanic fuzzy reliability optimization designis optimization analysis about many kind of fuzzy factor in mechanic engineering optimization problem. 机械模糊可靠性优化设计是对涉及机械工程中的优化问题过程中存在的各类模糊因素进行优化分析。
- The dynamic reliability model is established in lab. to analyze the influence of preventive maintenance to dynamic reliability model. 利用本实验室所建立的动态可靠度模式,进一步来分析预防保养对动态可靠度的影响。
- The fuzzy optimal design we made on kinetic shock absorber shows that fuzzy reliability optimal design is feasible and in line with practice. 对动力减振器的模糊优化设计,表明模糊可靠性优化设计是可行的、符合实际的。
- To three basic topologies of FC: point-to-point, arbitrated loop and Fabric, expressions were directly defined by reliability model. 针对FC互连3种基本拓扑结构:点到点、仲裁环和交换网络,根据可靠性模型直接给出了表达式;
- The results shows that the fuzzy reliability optimization is the design method with more scientific and practical solution. 其结果表明了模糊可靠性优化是一种更科学、更符合客观实际的设计方法。