- fuzzy voice recognition card 模糊声音识别卡
- Having adopted the prevailing voice recogonition technology[VRT], this small intelligent car can conduct fast voice recognition with the aid of fuzzy diagnosis technology.So it has better superiority. 智能小车采用目前主流的语音识别技术,再结合模糊识别方法来进行快速的声音识别,具有较强的先进性。
- The industry is still at least several years away from full integration of voice recognition into applications. 将语音识别与应用程序完整结合,仍需几年时间。
- Areas of emphasis include: artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and pattern and voice recognition. 公司将着重开发以下领域:人工智能,自然语言处理,模式和语音识别。
- But despite these limitations,people working with the technology believe voice recognition is close to coming of age. 但是尽管有这些局限,从事这项技术的人员认为语音识别已接近实用的阶段。
- Youll receive pre-dive tuition, close underwater supervision, a PADI dive recognition card and a certificate signed by your instructor. 您将获得下水前的培训;潜水教练的全程陪同;一张PADI潜水认证卡和有教练签字的潜水证书.
- The following description describes the basic features of the voice recognition mechanism which is based on a speaker dependent is dated word recognition method. 下列叙述说明了以与授话人有关的分离词汇识别法为基础的语音识别机理的基本特点。
- It may have some voice recognition to do directory for you or the long-distance charges may be cheaper. 它可能有一些声音承认为你做目录,否则长-距离指控可能比较廉宜。
- But despite these limitations, people working with the technology believe voice recognition is close to coming of age. 但是尽管有这些局限,从事这项技术的人员认为,语音识别已接近实用的阶段。
- Voice recognition and related technologies have been around for years but were uncommon because of hardware and software limitations. 话音识别及有关技术虽已发展多年,但因受硬件和软件的限制,以往并未普及。
- Caller Independent Voice Recognition Having a voice response unit recognize the voice of a caller without having been trained on the caller's voice. 呼叫者独立语音识别安装语音相应单元后,就可以识别呼叫者的声音,而不需要预先训练判断呼叫者的声音。
- Including the main program, the robot moves to control subroutine, the subroutine broadcast speech and voice recognition procedures. 包括主程序、机器人动作控制子程序、语音播放子程序及语音识别程序。
- Voice recognition features, which can be used with or without a Bluetooth headset, make it easier to place calls and look up contacts. 该款手机的语音识别功能,让用户无论使用蓝牙耳机与否,都能更方便的打电话或查找联系名单。
- Sometimes Gates chats with his friends for hours.He brainstorms about cool topics from voice recognition technology to genetic engineering. 有时盖兹会和朋友聊上好几个钟头来脑力激荡,像是语音辨识科技和基因工程等有趣主题。
- Voice recognition,especially command and control functions on the desktop will see a significant performance improvement due to Intel's Katmai instruction set. 由于英特尔Katmai新的指令集,声音识别(尤其是台式机上命令和控制功能的声音识别)将有重大的性能改进。
- Voice recognition, especially command and control functions on the desktop will see a significant performance improvement due to Intel's Katmai instruction set. 由于英特尔katmai新的指令集,声音识别(尤其是台式机上命令和控制功能的声音识别)将有重大的性能改进。
- We highlight current uses of technology in the area of interactive CDs, voice recognition software, bible editing software and other uses of technology. 我们会特别提到现今科技方面的互动光碟、语音辨认软体、圣经编辑软体以及其他使用的科技。
- Among them, voice recognition is the technology support of speech filter.It can remove background noise, restrict impostors, and eliminate the counterfeiting of voice, etc. 其中,言语过滤以语音识别为技术支持,可以剔除嘈杂背景,限制冒名顶替,排除语音赝本等等;
- VRM? Voice Recognition Module? 语音识别模块?
- This paper presents some of the design considerations of a Chinese voice database for machine recognition, and introduces briefly the contents and the development of a Chinese voice recognition database (CRDB). 本文探讨了汉语语音识别数据库的设计原则,扼要介绍了CSDB汉语语音识别数据库的内容和研制进展。