- How did the thieves gain entry into the building? 窃贼是怎样进入大楼的?
- He managed to gain entry to an exclusive club. 他设法加入了一家入会限制严格的俱乐部。
- M.O.-D : By using the lost key of house owner to gain entry. 手法-丁:用住戶遺失之鎖匙開門入屋偷竊。
- The bacteria may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts. 当植株产生萎蔫或矮化症时细菌可进入体内繁殖。
- A determined burglar will not shirk from breaking a window to gain entry. 一个决计要下手的窃贼会不惜破窗而入。
- The bacteris may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts. 当植株产生萎蔫或矮化症时细菌进入体内繁殖。
- He finally gained entry to the hotel by giving some money to the doorman. 他给了门 一些钱,终於得以进入旅馆。
- Animal viruses generally are phagocytosed and gain entry to host cells from vacuoles. 动物病毒则一般是吞噬后从空泡进入宿主细胞内。
- M.O.-C : Gained entry through the unlocked door. 手法-丙:經無上鎖或虛掩之大門入屋偷竊。
- These were then subsequently used to gain entry to the Matthew Harding Lower by several unscrupulous people. 后来这些票都被一些不热情的人拿去入场了。
- Importantly students are not required to provide a GMAT or SAT exam result in order to gain entry into degree programs. 还有很重要的一点,那就是学生无需提供GMAT或SAT考试成绩就可以攻读本校的学位。
- An hour later they used the same tactics to gain entry to the other half of the camp. 一个小时后,他们使用了同样的策略得以进入另一半的帐篷。
- Asean leaders said they were looking to the deal to help them gain entry to sectors that were off limits to foreigners in China. 东盟国家领导人表示,他们希望该协议帮助本国企业进入中国不向外资普遍开放的行业。
- He gained entry into the building by means of a bribe to the guard. 他通过贿赂卫兵而获准进入大楼。
- Attackers may be criminals who gain entry into the workplace, co-workers, customers, or even angry ex's or family members. 凶徒或许是个进入工作场所的罪犯、同事、顾客、甚至是旧爱或家庭成员。
- In data security, an unauthorized user who tries to gain entry to a computer network by defeating the system's access controls. 在数据安全领域,一种未经授权、又企图躲过系统存取控制程序的检查而进入计算机网络的用户。
- The Evil One must be appeased before one can gain entry to heaven, says the street-theater script梑izarre, but all in fun. 因为一个人在获准进入天堂之前,必先使撒旦满意。
- Obtain a trade pass before the event so that you gain entry without queuing. Trade passes have provided a new dimension for exhibitions in Australia. 在交易会开始前获得贸易入场证,这样您就可以免去排队的麻烦而可以进入会场。在澳大利亚,贸易入场证要向展品提供一个新的尺度。
- Know this, friend.The only way to gain entry to Mephisto's prison is to destroy the artifact known as the Compelling Orb. 记住这一点,朋友-唯一能够进入墨菲斯托囚禁之处的方法,就是摧毁一个称之为强制球体的古物。
- The burglars gained entry to the building after disabling the alarm. 窃贼破坏报警器后便得以进入大楼。