- Mr Stanton wrote several books on stock exchange and must have made a bomb. 斯坦顿先生写了好几本有关证券交易的书,一定挣了大笔的钱。
- He lost his fortune gambling on the stock exchange. 他因炒股票损失了他的财产。
- He gambles on the stock exchange. 他从事股票投机。
- The shares are quoted on Stock Exchange at 13s. 证券交易所公布的这些股票的价格是13先令。
- gamble on stock exchange [经] 进行股票投机
- But if you're going to gamble on the Stock Exchange these days, you'll find you're half a million up today and broke tomorrow, and you don't like that sort of game, apparently. 近代投机市场上今天多了几十万,明天又变成穷光蛋,那样的把戏,光景你是做梦也没有做到。
- Anyone who gambles on the stock exchange has to be prepared to lose money. 任何股票投机者都必须做好输钱的准备。
- Harold has lost a lot of money so he wants to take a chance on stock exchange. 海洛得丢了很多钱,因此他想在股票上碰一碰运气。
- STD INFORMATIONSSERVICE GMBH- undersigned offers on Stock exchange information as well as to further products. std INFORMATIONSSERVICE GMBH是一家现代化的、靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事交易所信息的制造、售。请您访问我们的主页或者发送给我们电子邮件,垂询当前的产品类别和服务。
- I wouldn't gamble on the weather being fine. 我可不指望天气能一直好下去。
- Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today. 证券交易所今日交投平平。
- Don't gamble on getting tickets for tomorrow's concert. 别指望能买到明天音乐会的票。
- SCA has about 46,000 employees around the world and the share is traded on stock exchanges in New York and London. SCA拥有46,000名雇员,公司股票在纽约和伦敦证交所交易。
- This is a specialised inetrnet site on stock exchange market in China. It contains information in market news, investment tools, investment school, etc. 中天网>是一个有关中国股票市场的专业性网站.;这个网站内容包括股海资讯;理财工具;中天社区;证券超市;股市学校
- I'll gamble on his honesty and lend him the money. 我相信他的诚实,借钱给了他。
- I cannot gamble on the bus being on time. 我不能指这公车准时。
- He took a running jump at stock exchange and make no money on it. 他急急地去炒股票,一点钱也没赚到。
- You shouldn't gamble on one exams. 你不应该把命运压在一次考试上。
- You can't gamble on the weather in England. 英国的天气是靠不住的。
- It's not safe to gamble on the train arriving late. 指望这次列车晚点是很不保准的。