- game playing by machine 机器博弈
- A game played by children with pins. 针戏小孩玩的弹图钉游戏
- American football is a game played by two teams. 美式足球是两个队间进行的比赛。
- Love is a game played by two, either both win or both lose. 爱情是一种两个人玩的游戏,不是全赢便是皆输。
- A game played by fitting pegs into holes in a board. 单人钉板游戏一种把木钉塞入板中的孔的游戏
- It's still a game played by 11 blokes against 11 blokes on grass. 当你时来运到之时,你可以击倒任何对手。
- T-ball is a game played by children between the ages of five and eight. T球是五到八岁孩子玩的一种游戏。
- Any of a number of card games played by one person. 单人纸牌戏单人玩耍的众多纸牌游戏中的任何一种
- I won't play such games played by girls wih you. 我才不跟你们玩那些女生玩的游戏呢!
- Bowling is a game played by rolling a heavy ball down a wooden lane. 保龄球是一项沿木制球道滚动一个重球的游戏。
- Table tennis is a game played by two people on either side of the table,on which the ball is hit back and forth. 乒乓球是一项由两人在桌面两端用拍子往对方桌面上击球的竞赛项目。
- Skill has been made redundant by machine. 由于使用机器,手艺已变得多余。
- Football is the gentlemen's game play by the thugs, rugby is the thugs' game play by the gentlemen. 足球是流氓玩的绅士游戏;橄榄球是绅士玩的流氓游戏.
- Football is a good game played by boys in schools. Football is a good game that is played by boys in schools. 足球是在校男生从事的一项很好的球类活动。
- A game played by rolling a ball down a wooden alley in order to knock down a triangular group of ten pins. 保龄球戏一种在木制滚球槽中滚球以击倒三角状放置的十个木瓶的游戏
- Table tennis is a game played by two people on either side of the table, on which the ball is hit back and forth. 乒乓球是一项由两人在桌面两端用拍子往对方桌面上击球的竞赛项目。
- Women's lacrosse is a non-contact game played by 12 players: a goalkeeper, five attackers and six defenders. 女子长曲棍球是一项无身体对抗的运动,每支队伍中有12名队员:一名守门员,五名进攻队员和六名防守队员。
- A game played by two teams of three or four players on horseback who are equipped with long-handled mallets for driving a small wooden ball through the opponents'goal. 马球,由骑在马上的三名或四名队员的两个队来玩的一种游戏,两方队员都配有长柄的球棍来推动小木球击入对方的球门。
- Work done by machines has replaced manual labour. 机器生产已经代替了手工劳作。
- To shred(waste wood, for example) by machine. 用机器切好(例如,废木)