- ganglion basal 基底神经节
- Computer tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass lesion in the left basal ganglion region. 因无法以核磁共振扫瞄及脑部血管摄影检查排除为动静脉畸形瘤,于是开刀取样化验。
- Stereotactic microinvasive aspiration in treatment of basal ganglion hema trema. 立体定向微创抽吸治疗高血压基底节区脑出血。
- Conclusion The left hemorrhage of basal ganglion area should get the first trea... 结论左侧基底节区出血患者应尽量采取内科保守治疗。
- Located posterioror distal to a ganglion. 神经节后的位于神经节后部或末端的。
- The effect of basal medium was modified MS> QL>WPM. 基本培养基的效果依次为改良MS> QL >WPM。
- Located posterior or distal to a ganglion. 神经节后的位于神经节后部或末端的
- Basal principles of energy metabolism measurement. 能量代谢测定的基本原理。
- Again, notice the distinct row of basal cells. 再次观察基底层的细胞。
- I had a ganglion cyst and giant floaters. 大小超过铅笔上的橡皮头;
- Basal sheaths appressed pilose with white hairs. 基部的鞘贴伏的具柔毛的具白色的毛。
- Pistil head with a basal membranous appendage. 雌蕊头状花序具一基部的膜质附属物。
- Basal leaves forming a rosette, petiolate. 基生叶形成一莲座丛,具叶柄。
- Leaves basal, spirally arranged, petiolate. 叶基生,螺旋状排列,具叶柄。
- Stems and petioles of basal leaves strigose. 茎和基生叶的叶柄具糙伏毛。
- Leaves basal, subbasal, or cauline. 叶基生,近基生,或茎生。
- Basal leaves withered early, not rosulate. 基生叶早枯萎,不莲座状。
- Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate, simple, entire. 基生叶具叶柄,莲座状,单,全缘。
- Leaves basal and cauline, 1-ternately compound. 叶基生和茎生,1三出复合。
- Basal leaves rosulate or not, simple, entire. 莲座状的基生叶与否,单,全缘。