- ganglion diverticulum 腱鞘滑膜憩室
- Located posterioror distal to a ganglion. 神经节后的位于神经节后部或末端的。
- Located posterior or distal to a ganglion. 神经节后的位于神经节后部或末端的
- I had a ganglion cyst and giant floaters. 大小超过铅笔上的橡皮头;
- The diverticulum contained whole layers of the esophageal wall. 病患接受憩室固定术的手术治疗,此憩室具有完整的食道壁。
- The narrow neck of the diverticulum may become eroded. 憩室的窄颈可能会被侵蚀破坏。
- Meckel's diverticulum is the rudiment of the embryonic yolk sac. 麦克尔憩室是胚胎黄囊的未发育完全器官。
- Clusters of ganglion cells were scattered throughout the tumor. 神经节细胞束被肿瘤彻底的分散。
- Hypocalcemia usually occured in brain ganglion (6.87%, P <0.05). 发生低钙血症者神经精神症状以潜在型手足抽搦为主(57.;14%25;P<0
- Quantity of multipolar neurons are different in the ganglion. 神经节内多极神经元的数量不等;
- After the colon, the duodenum is the most common site for diverticulum. 继结肠源,十二指肠是憩室最多见的部位。
- If the surgeons didn't remove the diverticulum, it can cause pain, bleeding. |如果手术没有移除憩室 可以导致疼痛和出血.
- Right salpingian diverticulum was found in 2 cases and left in 3 cases. 结果表明:输卵管憩室罕见,X线造影表现典型。
- In the periphery of the retina, ganglion cells are relatively few in number. 在视网膜的边缘区节细胞相当少。
- ganglion diverticula [医] 腱鞘滑膜憩室
- A high-power iew showing a pair of ganglion cells surrounded by Schwann cells. 高倍镜下显示一对神经节细胞被雪旺氏细胞包围。
- Objective To provide morphological data for stellate ganglion block. 目的为临床成功实施星状神经节阻滞提供形态学依据。
- Takahashi N, Cummins D, Caprioli J.Rat retinal ganglion cells in culture[J]. 钟一声;蒋幼芹;熊小玲.;大鼠视网膜神经节细胞的培养[J]
- GALTs were found in the small intestine, Meckel's diverticulum, caecum and in the terminal rectum. 结果表明,GALT分布在小肠、卵黄囊憩室、盲肠和直肠末端。
- Objective: To investigate the method of diagnosis and treatment of duodenal diverticulum . 目的:探讨十二指肠憩室的诊断和治疗方式的选择。