- "We'll have terms from immuno-biology to gangster rap," says Jesse Sheidlower, who is head of the project for North America. 新词收录项目北美区负责人杰西-谢德罗尔说:"我们要收录的新词从免疫生物学到匪徒脏话无所不包。
- "We'll have terms from immuno-biology to gangster rap," says Jesse Sheidlower,who is head of the project for North America. 新词收录项目北美区负责人杰西-谢德罗尔说:“我们要收录的词从免疫生物学到匪徒抢劫无所不包。”
- West Coast hip-hop was heavy on gangster rap, filled with references to gangs, guns, and the inescapability of street life. 西岸的嘻哈风主要是帮派份子的说唱,充满了关于帮派、枪枝和不可避免的街头生活等内容。
- There is a light rap at the door. 有轻轻的敲门声。
- The gangster was flushed out from his hideout. 匪徒从藏匿处被驱赶出来。
- The gangster run into the bar and start shooting it up. 歹徒们冲进酒吧胡乱扫射一通。
- He got a rap on the knuckles for his bad work. 他因干得糟糕而受责备。
- The court slapped a murder rap on him. 法庭当场以谋杀罪判他刑。
- I don't care a rap about what he says. 他说什么我才不在乎呢。
- gangster rap 说唱乐
- He was charged with arson, but his lawyer helped him beat the rap. 他被控纵火,但他的律师为他开脱了罪责。
- He looked upon the gangster with hatred. 他以仇视的目光面对着歹徒。
- When these things go wrong, the government tends to take the rap. 这类事情出错时,政府总是会受到指责。
- I was about to go to bed when I heard a rap at the door. 我正要上床睡觉时听到了敲门声。
- James made the mistake and I don't see why I should take the rap for him. 詹姆斯犯了错误,而我不明白为什么要我替他受责备。
- A notorious gangster; a district notorious for vice. 臭名昭著的匪徒; 因恶行而闻名的地区
- A visitor was robbed by a gangster. 一名游客被一歹徒抢劫了。
- He got a rap over the knuckles from the teacher for not doing enough work. 他没做完功课挨了老师一通训。
- Murder of a gangster by another gangster. 一犯罪团伙歹徒谋杀另一个犯罪团伙的歹徒。
- They promised to rap with the management. 他们答应与管理部门保持一致立场。