- garbage and refuse body 运垃圾和废品的车身
- It's not garbage and it has no satanic message. 这不是垃圾音乐,也没有魔鬼讯息。
- The maid picked up the garbage and left the room. 女服务员收拾好垃圾,离开了房间。
- You have made us scum and refuse among the nations. 45你使我们在万民中成为污秽和渣滓。
- But I will toss my head, and refuse them all. 可我会摇头,拒绝所有的人。”
- Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. 33要听教训,就得智慧,不可弃绝。
- Deny thy father and refuse thy name. 不要认你的父亲,否认你的名姓。
- Guild does not attend and refuse any war. 本公会不参加并拒绝任何战争.
- So last time it was garbage and this time night soil. 上次是倒垃圾,这次是倒夜壶。
- Deny your corporation and refuse it. 否认并拒绝你的公司,
- These industries vulnerable to water, garbage and air pollution. 这些产业极易造成水、大气和垃圾污染。
- He clenched his teeth and refused to tell anything. 他咬紧牙关,什么也不肯说。
- The alley was filled with lots of garbage and other filth. 这条巷子遍地都是大堆的垃圾和其它污物。
- Every time her husband won an argument, she would retire to bed and refuse to speak to him until the next day. 她每次同丈夫争论输了,就上床睡觉,直到第二天才跟丈夫说话。
- Mike was a company man and refused to take a part in the strike. 迈克是公司的人,所以拒绝参加罢工。
- Do you bring your garbage and share it with your neighbor or whatever at home? 你们在家会把垃圾拿去跟邻居或什么人分享吗?
- She be distracted with grief and refuse to be solace. 她悲痛得精神恍惚,怎么安慰也没用。
- The colt shied at the fence and refused to jump over it. 这马驹到障碍物前害怕不敢跳过去。
- Beijing is planning a five-year period, so that the sound of urban life garbage and waste processing rate 100%; By 2007, Beijing city life refuse collection rate will reach 50%. 北京市正计划用五年时间,使城市生活垃圾和粪便无害化处理率达到100%25;到2007年,北京市城市生活垃圾分类收集率将达到50%25。
- Paul sat there as bold as brass and refused to leave. 保罗厚脸皮地坐在那儿,不肯离开。