- In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. 从某种意义上讲,一个健康的人用盐水漱口,和一个病发者使用特敏福的作用是一样的。
- to have a gargle with salt water 用盐水含漱
- gargle with salt water 用盐水漱口
- Have a gargle with salt water 用盐水漱口.
- He always gargles (with salt water) before going to bed. 他睡前总是(用盐水)漱口.
- Paddy fields and aquifers are still contaminated with salt water. 稻田和地下蓄水层仍受咸水污染。
- having 8 cups of water, gargling with salt water when the throat huts; 每天喝八大杯水;喉咙痛时,温盐水漱口;
- havin g8cups of water, gargling with salt water when the throat huts; 喉咙痛时,温盐水漱口;
- Scalding the shaddock peel with salt water &rinsing could reduce bitter &astringent taste. 经过盐水热烫及清水漂洗后的柚子皮可去除苦涩味;
- If the victim sweats heavily and convulse, serve him with salt water in the ratio of one tea spoon of salt to one litre of water. 如果患者大量流汗、抽筋,可在水中加盐每半公升水加半茶匙盐。
- Even raw chicken in the grocery store is sometimes 'enhanced' with salt water to make it plumper (and heavier, and thus more costly). 即便是食品店的生鸡肉有时候也会被注入盐水以便顾客掂量起来会感觉更沉一些(也就表示更贵一些)。
- She gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash . 饭后刷牙或用漱口水漱口。
- Farm-fields, in particular, were so inundated with salt water that salinization of cultivated land became a huge problem. 因为大量盐水流入稻田,而有盐化情形,造成很大的问题。
- She gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash. 我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口。
- Land flooded with salt water usually becomes unsuitable for most types of cultivation, and scientists initially feared the tsunami would cause extensive, long-term problems. 遭海水淹没过的土地通常不利于大多数的耕种类型,因此科学家原本担心海啸将引发广泛、期的问题。
- They used to barter for horses with salt. 他们过去以食盐交换马匹。
- This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard. 这肉里应该加些盐和芥末。
- My hair kinked up in the salt water. 我的头发在盐水中缠在一起了。
- In reality, much land remains flooded with salt water and many animals used for ploughing were lost in the cyclone, along with stocks of seed and fertiliser. 实际上很多土地灌满了海水,很多用来犁地的牲畜也和储存的种子、化肥一道在风暴中损失殆尽。