- gas active material 气体激活材料
- The active material is a sub-micron thin-glass film with an immobilized fluorescent ruthenium organic complex. 活跃材料为亚微细粒的玻璃膜与固定荧光钌有机联合体。
- Follow up the normative system related to the gas activity. 遵循标准化的系统进行燃气设备生产活动。
- The formed active material in the stamped grids becoming loose in the grid openings and the battery failed. 冲孔板栅形成后的活性物质在板栅的孔中变得松散,因而使蓄电池失效。
- New process of plate production are applied to improve the utilization of active material. 新型极板制造工艺,活性物质利用率高。
- The broad fluorescence spectrum of the organic dyes suggests a broad tunability range for lasers using them as the active material. 有机染料具有宽荧光光谱使人们想到,若用它们作为激光介质,则激光器就会有宽的调谱范围。
- Can cause a head when selenium is lacked vasomotor, plaque agglutinate and plaque active material are released, promote the happening of hemal disease. 当硒缺乏时可引起脑血管收缩,血小板凝集和血小板活性物质释放,促进血管病的发生。
- Semiconducting metal oxides such as tin oxide (SnO2), titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) are routinely used as active materials in solid state gas sensing devices. 半导体型的金属氧化物,如氧化锡(SnO2)、氧化钛(TiO2)和氧化锌(ZnO),经常作为活性材料用在固态气体传感器件中。
- Softening of positive active material and water loss during cycling life of electric bicycle battery is topmost causation of battery failure. 在电动自行车铅酸蓄电池寿命循环过程中,正极活性物质软化和失水是蓄电池寿命失效的主要原因。
- In the oxydehydrogenation of ethylbenzene an active coke,formed in the course of the reaction,is the catalytically active material. 在乙苯氧化脱氢过程中,生成了一种活性焦炭,这是一种具有催化活性的物质。
- A new coordination polymer based on an aromatic carbonyl ligand is prepared and investigated as a positive active material for lithium ion batteries. 制备一种新的基于芳香族羰基配体的配位聚合物,并且它作为锂离子电池的阳性活性物质被研究。
- The dimethylamine selective synthesis catalysts have been prepared by using modifiedmordenite as the active material and two kinds of catalyst binders. 采用改性丝光沸石和两类粘结剂制备选择性合成二甲胺催化剂。系统地考察了催化剂对甲醇和氨的反应性能。
- The active material such as the tea much phenol in tea can be helpful for absorbing with counteractive radioactivity material, because this wants much water boiled water. 茶叶中的茶多酚等活性物质会有利于吸收与抵抗放射性物质,因此要多饮茶水。
- The CTMAB-Phenylfluorone-Tin colour complex is formed by the active material of CTMAB, Then the content of tin is directly determined by sepectrophotometry. 以CTMAB为活性剂,形成CTMAB-苯基荧光酮-锡三元络合体系,分光光度计测定待测样品中锡的含量。
- The factors effecting on the performances of nickel hydroxide which is used as positive active material in high specific energy Ni/MH battery are discussed. 讨论了影响高比能镍氢电池正极材料氢氧化镍性能的因素。
- propellant gas active coefficient 火药气体作用系数
- The marine organisms have already become the main sources of new medicine,and the antitumor function of the marine active material is studied as one of the hotspots. 海洋生物已成为新药的主要来源,海洋活性物质的抗肿瘤作用研究是热点之一。
- To Determine active material of anti-hepatic fibrosis in Trionyx sinensis carapace,free and hydrolyzed amino acids were analyzed by Amino Acid Analyzer Hitachi L8800. 采用日立L8800全自动氨基酸分析仪,对鳖甲抗肝纤维化有效提取部位中游离和水解氨基酸进行了分析,结果表明,该有效部位中游离氨基酸质量分数为1。
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。